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Existential Environments

inSelf Yoga™ offers the following as a map of the existential habitats which are available to the coreSelves. One must be in one or the other of these but one may be in more than one simultaneously. This means that one may be conscious of one or the other or of many simultaneously.


For instance, if a coreSelf is present on the physical level, it is simultaneously present on the subtle plane and it must be present on the brahman plane of exclusive spiritual existence. If it was absent from the brahman plane, its existence anywhere else would be cancelled.


If, however, the person is not on the physical plane, and is present on a subtle level, that someone must be present on the brahman level as well. This presence however is implied mostly because usually the focus of that coreSelf will be fully absorbed on the subtle level which will result in it not being aware of its nominal or marginal presence on the brahman level.


I must caution students that for the purpose of inSelf Yoga™ the environments should not be fused with or interpreted with the coreSelf status. Environment is an environment and is not directly corresponding with the coreSelf status. A coreSelf may be in the physical environment and be in a higher level of awareness. Or it may be in a higher category of self in reference to another coreSelf which is on a subtle plane of consciousness.


Someone may be in the brahman effulgence as a coreSelf there and that someone may be in a lower self category then someone who is on the physical plane, who has a physical body. This information may be rejected by some readers of this literature and that is acknowledged. However, there are many paradoxes in these existences.


Here is a list of the environments with some corresponding features.



Environments / Habitats




Physical World


lowest terminals of existence


Subtle Worlds


The near-physical and remote-physical psychic territories


Causal Plane


collective colossal desire energy – no manifestation possible even though all desire energy pertaining to subtle and physical existence, is present in compressed form


Blankness Cloud


a transition zone – no objectivity is possible here for the limited selves


Supernatural Light Zone


sheer supernatural light


Brahman Spiritual Cosmic Situation


place of all subjective/objective

spiritual forms


The causal plane is not anyone’s personal existence. It is a place which has the sum-total desire energies which may or may not be manifested in any of the other habitats. It may be considered to be like a national stockpile of rice grains. So long as these are in a silo, they cannot sprout. As soon as some is removed and is exposed to soil and water, those may or may not sprout. Desires on the causal plane cannot sprout unless they are exposed to the energy in the subtle world.


A yogi can go into the causal plane but when he gets there, he will be surrounded by its desire energy which is like a tiny bug with a taped mouth being put into a rice silo. The bug may crawl around but it cannot eat the rice grains. It cannot cause them to sprout there. It cannot know exactly how any particular grain will change if that grain was exposed to soil and water.


Why would a yogi go to such a place?


He would do so if he is transited there during meditation spontaneously or if he is assisted by a great yogi who wants the student to experience that place. Great yogins who go there assess the value of the seed energies there and come to understand that no matter how great a desire is when it is manifested in the subtle and/or physical world, that desire is a miniscule portion of energy on the causal plane, and is nothing else but that.


This is like a tiny bug who is put into a rice silo and who realizes that any given rice grain may become a rice plant if it was exposed to moist farmland. This bug with that understanding and memory of the event, if it were to be transferred to a field could understand how a tiny seed sprouted and reproduced other rice plants in the course of time. What was a seed energy on the causal plane, serves as the source for a developed plant on a subtle level and/or the physical plane.

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