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Energy Spread ~ Kundalini

Each of the students who do the breath infusion should carefully and meticulously study the energy spreads which occur during practice. They should also study how the energy operates or is distributed at other times, when they are not practicing.


For instance, how does the energy in the pelvic region operate and move during urination or evacuation. How does it operate during times of intense emotion? How does it operate when you are in a panic? How does it spread when there is intense fear like if you suddenly see a large snake within feet of your location? What happens during yawning? What happens when you are fast asleep and wake up finding your body to be as heavy as a dense log?


How does the energy in the pelvic region realign itself after a long urination? How does it normalize itself after intense frantic activity?

Do you care to make such observations?

What happens to your mind’s energy and your emotional reach, when you get something which you enjoy very much?


It is the student’s psyche, the student’s private parts, if we use that terminology, thus who is in a better position to make the observations. If you open a business you will carefully count the money acquired, the commodities stocked and the items purchased by customers. Hence why be lax about what transpires in your psyche. Why think that if anything it should be checked by Nature itself or by the yoga guru, or by the deity?


Many religious people pray to God about the condition of the body. These prayers are in the mod of Dear-Lord-my-body-is-your trouble-please-fix-it-promptly. But is this the right attitude even though it is the natural way to regard God and the self?


In teaching this yoga over the years, there are many areas in which I failed to convince students. To protect myself from criticism, I wrote some books explaining what I failed to convince students to do. This is in the hope of leaving a record of those practices for future interest. One area where I failed miserably is the instruction which I give for students to keep a yoga journal, in which entries are made after each breath infusion and meditation sessions. Most of the students simply ignore this stipulation which I try to levy on them.


However such a habit if cultivated will help the student to develop better more acute psychic perception, and to increase the confidence the student has in the practice.


I did a session recently (November 25, 2015), in which I noticed that there was a kundalini spike from the left side of the base of the trunk of the body, in the sacral region of bones, the buttocks area. During the practice after some breath energy was accumulated there, a shot of energy came up from that area like a lightning bolt. It flashed and then the area assumes a neutral white-light bliss energy aspect which held my interest.


This hold of the interest is vital in the practice because it causes the buddhi analytical orb to become occupied with the energy derived which frees that organ from its constant ongoing need for distractions and excitement, which means that during the meditation that follows this organ will be less hungry to produce images and ideas which rupture the effort to do meditation in the proper way. Here is a diagram.

By the way, I hope you noticed that even I make observations and keep journal reports like this one. I am also a student. I too have to comply with the instruction to keep a journal, even though I publish my information online.

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