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Divine Eye Manifestation

One big mystery in yoga is the manifestation of the divine eye. There is the question as to what it is? How is it used? How is it experienced?

Arjuna asked Krishna to cause it to happen to Arjuna during the manifestation of the Universal Form of Krishna. Buddha said that he used it to range over the world just after his enlightenment, when he saw that at the time, no one in the world except for a few ascetics were fit to use the enlightenment method which he discovered.

Sanjaya, the first narrator of the Bhagavad Gita discourse used it after his teacher, Dvaipayana Vyasa, awarded it to him for the sake of causing the blind King Dhritarashtra to hear the incidences of the battle verbatim through Sanjaya’s clairaudient and clairvoyant faculties.

One of the missions in this life for me was to discover a fool-proof method of manifesting and using the divine eye. So far I cannot say that I found a method for sure. Method in this usage means a goof-proof way of manifesting and using the divine eye.

It can happen that a yogi experiences this vision off and on, sporadically but the mission is to find a way for its definite manifestation not just its haphazard appearance in the head of the subtle body.

The divine eye is the use of the buddhi analytical orb in conjunction with the brow chakra (third eye) or not using that chakra, and seeing into the subtle or super-subtle existence. It can manifest where a person sees beyond the causal level even.



I discussed the manifestation of the divine in eye with Srila Yogeshwarandna, at his astral yoga school. This is what he replied:


I was graced with it by a blessing from the hands of Swami Atmananda. There is this idea that one can get it if one is blessed by an able guru, but my experience is that one must reach a certain stage of purity before even such a guru can grace one.

It is totally misleading to give people the idea that one can have it just by a blessing from a guru. One has to qualify for such a blessing. Suppose a large barge is in distress in the ocean, where its engines shut down and it is being dumped here and there by rogue waves. Suppose then a powerful tug boat is sent to rescue this craft. Now the first thing is to hitch the distressed ship to the tug boat.

But how can that be done if there is no place to connect the rope. There must be a leverage point or hold, where the rope can be connected. Then the rescue could be attempted. Similarly, if the student does not qualify, then even an able guru is helpless to act on the novice.

When I met Swami Atmananda, I was already suited for assistance because of my completion of certain austerities. This means that unless the student completes some process, he or she cannot be helped even by an able guru. If Swami Atmananda could touch anyone and cause that person to have the divine eye, he certainly would have done it, but it is not that simple.


What is required?

That is the question.


Write this list:

1.     Full compliance with Patanjali’s request for shutting down the five vrittis.

2.     Mastery of spinal kundalini, so that the sushumna nadi remains open all the time.

3.     Mastery of cell kundalini, so that the cells are no longer hog-tied to the reproduction hormone system and are liberated from that slavery which involves sexual release.

4.     Removal of all polluted energy from the subtle body, the entire subtle form, not just chakras and nadis.

5.     Compliance with the instructions given by an able guru. This means that even the slightest infraction from the guru’s instructions must be removed.

6.     Patience to do the practice for as long as would be required for the student to develop the divine perception.


7.     Do whatever is necessary as stipulated by the yoga-guru. This may vary from student to student, so that one has to do this particular discipline and another has to do this other particular discipline.

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