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Divine Eye Debacle

The big search was on from ancient times, for the famous divine eye. Some call it the third eye. Some say it is the eye of intuition. Some say it is the sixth chakra. Many swamis, mystic and charlatans speak of the eye. In the life of Buddha, from the details given, he used the divine eye. In the Mahabharat, Krishna was instructed in the technique of focusing on the divine eye. In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna mentioned the location of it as being in the center of the eyebrows.

A long-lost friend from previous lives, who I did not meet before he left his physical body in this life, was with me on the astral side for about three months now (August 23, 2022). He is deceased. He took accommodations on the astral side at a place which was established by Yogeshwarananda for the purpose of allowing ascetics who are serious to practice the ashtanga yoga process.

Because my friend is on the astral side, his psychic powers are increased. He enters my psyche and does the breath infusion and meditation practice exactly as I do it when I do it.

Once in meditation, he insisted that I should focus on the space between the eyebrows. His idea is that it makes no sense to focus on the protruding nose tip higher point on the nose but only to use the nose’s lowest point where it disappears into the face near the center of the eyebrows. He was confident that he would open the divine eye there within a short span after a few meditation sessions.

Since he is with me now and lives in my psyche, I did not object to his proposal. Besides, it was not a deviant process. I felt I could observe how his focus of my energy in my psyche would be as compared to my practice. For a period of four weeks, we used his method.

At first it consisted of gathering the energy in the head of the subtle body and focusing the collection of energy to the place between the eyebrows. After doing that for about seven days, he changed the focus so that only the energy between the coreSelf and the third eye was focused.

When we first did that, he was confident that in no time, we would access the divine eye. However, it did not happen. Then during the pranayama practice, he got excited when there would be pranic energy collecting as bright lights or as dim lights in the frontal part of the subtle head at the position of the brow chakra.

Once there was a black hole there which was surrounded by scattered star light, but it did not remain for long. Then on another day there was a bright iridescent light at the center of the eyebrows but it moved up and down and could not be controlled. This happened while doing bhastrika pranayama breath infusion and pressing the fingers on the eyelids which covered the eyes. He was happy about this.

However, after a time, he decided that he would not open the divine eye. He asked if I could again conduct the practice and that he would follow along instead of making suggestions and practicing whatever his mind suggested.

I explained to him that the mastership has to do with the second sutra of Patanjali Yoga Sutras, where we were instructed to cease all vrittis in the mind, all imagining, thinking ideation and drifting. One should remain in that state and wait for the opening of the divine eye. One must be patient because this wait could be for days, weeks, months, or years.

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