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Distrust is transferred to Astral Level

On the night of Aug 16, 2015, I had an astral encounter in Guyana. I was with a friend who practices yoga asana, pranayama and meditation but he also affiliates with some religious groups which are one sect or the other from India.


He introduced me to a man who was interested in meditation but who had relations with a spiritual group which stresses Krishna deity worship. As it is in the astral world, scenes can change rapidly from one to another or from one location to another. Very shortly after I was introduced to this person, he disappeared along with the friend who introduced him to me. I then found myself at a shop in a market where the man’s wife was the vendor of the place.


It was during a lunch hour but instead of closing the shop, the woman left it open and was resting in a back room. Her idea was that if someone wanted to purchase anything during the lunch hour she was ready to make the sale.


Astrally this was taking its toll on her in terms of stressing her out about who would come to the shop for purchases and who would come to steal while she was in the back room. The place was permeated with her insecurity in this regard. I could feel it as I stood by the counter where he gave goods and received money in return.


Suddenly her husband appeared on the inside of the counter. He sensed that I was aware of the lunch hour. He said,


“We have to watch the place carefully. They come here to steal when my wife rests in the back. Even though the shop remains open, we are aware in case a thief shows up. But you, you are different. However we also do not trust devotees. There was a time when two of them came here and stool two pieces of furniture, some small tables.


“My wife was in the back room. They came, noticed that the shop was open. Then they silently took two tables and went away. They never paid. We did not donate the items. It was a theft.


“We do not trust devotees. It is nothing personal to you. Since a devotee stole before, any other devotee may steal in the future.”


After he said that I silently went away. I was to help him with meditation practice but his distrust energy regarding devotees made it impractical to show him techniques. I sent an astral message to my friend about this and then I left that astral place.


Distrust springs from inner arrogance and an idealistic view of existence which is at odds with reality and which for one reason or the other, just will not go away. People who are prone to feelings of distrust are stuck with their mind’s stunted view of reality and are innately self-centered even though in reality they are off-center existences and will never be the standard of reference for reality. A limited being cannot be the standard of reference unless its self-view takes into account that its opinions are meaningless except when such views are romped up by reality.


In the inSelf Yoga practice, there is trust of others and a reserved attitude when there is no trust for whatever reason but the reserved attitude is not allowed to develop into full distrust because to do so would be to cross over into arrogance and lopsided self-idealism. A person who is innately distrustful cannot be taught this practice of inSelf Yoga. For that matter some students who are trustful have pockets of distrustful energies and inner distrustful applications, so that on occasion, regularly or rarely, they enter into a distrustful attitude, attack the teacher and are unable to learn the process. I did explain this in the book, Spiritual Master.


  • People may ask:


Since distrust is nature and it is a protective force, it seems unreasonable to want to eliminate it?


The answer is that instead of distrust one should trust even in a dysfunctional person or situation. Instead of feeling that I distrust him or her, I feel that I trust him or her to do x or y action. It should be trust all the way and that will deter the mind’s egocentricity.


It should either be trust or a reserved attitude but never trust or distrust. But of course for many students this is quite an achievement to install in the psyche.

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