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Disciple Blames Guru

Psychic perception is absolutely necessary for a serious yogi. Without that there is no way that one can properly access the situation, one will be in hereafter. One cannot properly judge the weight of actions committed in this physical existence.

It does matter what the physical body or subtle body does, because the coreSelf, until it can be totally out of touch with the physical world and corresponding astral existence, will be tagged with the consequences of its physical and psychic involvements, and with its lack of actions, as well as what is imposed on its body by the Nature, and by what it is subjected to, from supernatural persons or forces.

With no psychic perception, one is left only with physical information, and with a limited memory supply. This ill-equips one to make decisions which in the long range. will be in one’s interest. Nature plows under present actions which are converted into energy which Nature reorganizes in the future. It is a situation of now, which is based on the raw materials from the past, except that with no psychic perception, one has no insight into what the past was, and how it decomposed to make the present.

On, March 3rd, 2025, I was with two swamis who are currently deceased. One, the senior, did his best to avoid the other, his junior, who was the disciple in their previous births.

The younger swami asked me to be a witness of the behavior of the senior one. The circumstance occurred on an astral level. The junior said that the senior was liable for everything that happened, which was based on the senior’s instruction to the junior one. The junior said this.

“He is liable for the mistakes made. The funds we collected caused harm to some people. He should be liable for that. It was based on his influence and instruction, that we raised money in that way, to sponsor his plans for large temples and religious community. How can he throw all of the liability to me or any other disciple?”

When this was expressed, the senior swami disappeared from that astral level. He shifted to another dimension. It was a place where I had access to him but not the junior swami, the disciple. I could see and hear the senior one. He said this.

“He was not a person that I could trust fully. I did instruct him and others as he declared. But there were instances where each took the freedom to do what I would not have conducted, if I was making the decision.

“I do not agree to carry the full liability. I may agree to some of it but not all. Everyone has freewill to do as he pleases, as permitted by providence. Each disciple is somewhat liable in the execution of an instruction from me. Once an order is given, then if the disciple executes it for the mission of the society, then that disciple has a cut in the returns from it, both for the preferred or disagreeable reactions which come.

“The Pandavas had some unfavorable reactions to face after the Battle of Kurushetra. Consider how the sons of Draupadi were killed. Even though God was present, still other things happened which were ghastly. If Nature hunts for and corners that Swami who was my disciple, then why should he try to transfer it to me. It would be better if he stands his ground and absorbs the backlash. He should learn from it about how not to follow every instruction of a guru. If one meddles in the mission of a guru, then there may be unfavorable returns.

“Each of us have inordinate desires. Look at Bhishma and Drona. They were devotees but there were these desires arising which ran counter to Krishna. For that they were disciplined. We are in the same boat.

“I did what my guru said or indicated. There were some unfavorable returns. But I never felt I should pursue my deceased guru to blame him. I never did that. Why is he like this now. He did not call me to share every positive return which he got when following what I told him to do.”

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