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Replies (1)
    • Amazing. The kid has a natural flair in this. He is reading scriptures from several births.

      Yeah, pretty accurate about Garuda Mahapurana.

      I am reading the 18 Mahapuranas. Currently, I am in Garuda Maha purana.

      Garuda tells sage Kashyapa about his discussion with Vishnu, Garuda explains how he did tapas and became a vehicle mount for Vishnu and freed his mother from slavery and all those details. 

      A lot of tales in that Purana but the Purana is famous for elucidating specific hells for each particular sin. Also describes a lot of what happens at the time of death, it says it feels like 1000 scorpions biting at the same time and how the disembodied entity moves thru different hell zones each day, like day 1, no food, and day 2, no water and day 3, long-distance walking, all those disturbing details.

      But it is a must-read and people will get a feel of how life after death. Nice video introducing the scripture!

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