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Desire in the Afterlife

It appears that desires continue in the afterlife and function as the engine of actions even hereafter, just as desire drives us currently, even those of us who claim not to have desires and not to be controlled by them, those of us who claim that we control everything and that the universe is dancing to the beat of our spectacular and very creative drums.


There are stages of a desire which happen based on the substance and complexity of the aspiration. There are also packages of desires where parts of a large desire are parceled neatly or haphazardly according to the natural order or disorder of the person concerned.



In an astral encounter with my deceased father, he showed an astral building which he was renovating. I found myself in that place as my astral body even though I had no desire to be there or to be with him. The power to pull my astral form there was derived from his father position in his last life. Some deceased ancestors have the power to command the subtle bodies of their descendants, even the subconscious power to do so, where they do not have to objectively wish for it to happen. It happens because of the background attraction power which has a mandatory energy.


I was asked before as to why I have to be with a relative, either physically or astrally. This type of question betrays the questioner as being ignorant of how the astral energies operate and as to the power of the ancestors. There is this pretense where people feel that they have nothing to do with ancestors or relatives and that we cannot be controlled by such people. Some even think hat there are no ancestors because to their minds, once dead, dead forever, being nonexistent.


However much of the denial and surprise about the reality of ancestral influence has to do with vast ignorance and a blank place in one’s consciousness where things happen but one has no idea that they take place. As such if someone owns up to ancestral influence that person becomes the laughing stock because others have a lack of subtle perception and are left with only physical reality as the reference.



In the astral encounter with my deceased father, he showed me an astral building which appeared physical to him and which was made of astral material but which appeared physical. Everything he spoke of about, the renovations of the building and his consideration of how to do it were all as if it was in fact a physical reality. But this was an astral situation, which could be adjusted by mental activity without needing to have physical completion of the mental acts as we have to in the physical world.

Physical desires will continue in the afterlife and they will do so in the physical format with the physical reference remaining in our minds, unless we can remove that reference before leaving the physical body.


The question is:

How can one take out the physical reference, replacing it with an astral reference, such that hereafter one will not think of everything as if one was still on the physical side?



It is not a matter of hearing about astral reality from a reliable source as a book or person. It is a matter of having astral experiences right now where in those instances, you act as if you are in an astral world and do not act as my father did in that dream

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