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Design of the Psyche

A yogi should come to terms with the design of the psyche. There should be a detailed thorough study of it. The first consideration is that the yogi did not create his psyche.

Think of it?

If you were offered the opportunity to change what you did not like in the psyche, what change would that be?

How would you re-design it?

To answer this, someone may simply refuse the offer and instead apply for the creatorGod or creatorForce to eliminate it. Since one discovered oneself to be a psyche which was already designed, and which had only limited facilities for change, one should do the best, to change whatever can be changed in it. One should suspend parts of its operation if that is possible. One should increase usage of the parts which one thinks are positive for the self.

In my research of the operation of the psyche which I am, my conclusion is that there are parts which cannot be adjusted. But there are parts which can be disabled temporarily. Some parts can be controlled for a moment of time but not for a long period.

Some achievements of advanced yogis, cannot be realized by lesser ascetics. One can appreciate what the senior ones did and achieved, but one must be satisfied with that and do one’s best to alter or suspend whatever one has the power to adjust.

There are many sensual dangers. For instance, color is one such attribute or sensual pursuit. But that does not mean that one can change the psyche’s attitude for craving contact with certain colors. One can, however, keep the psyche in an environment in which it is not molested by colors, which cause it to crave certain forms which are highlighted in specific colors.

It is more than a matter of color resistance or form resistance. It is also a matter of transiting to an environment in which the colors carry only positive connotations and are without hidden responsibilities and obligations.

For the time being one should study the design of the psyche but in the long term, it is a matter of moving to another existential situation, one which only has positive implications.

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