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Death to Life Entrances

For anyone who is deceased, there are many entrances from death to life. One may deliberately go through any of these routes, but more than likely, one will do so involuntarily with no understanding of how it began and how it will end.

Someone who enters an amusement park, and who becomes attracted to a ride and buys a ticket, will find that he/she is told to sit, and be strapped in, to a seat on the machinery. Once strapped, the person cannot leave the swing until it cycles through certain preset motions.

If in the middle of the ride, one decides that one made a mistake, one can do nothing to cease the activity. One must wait until it cycles through its preset motions.

Even if some of it is frightening, even if one suffers with motion sickness, still one cannot cause the mechanism to stop so that one could disembark. One must go through the entire cycle.

Once as I listened to some person’s conversation, I noticed that someone in my psyche (someone else – not me) looked through my eyes to view the arm pit area of a woman. I looked to see who it was but I did not recognize the yogi who was in my psyche. I knew he was present but I could not pin his identity, as to which ascetic he was.

Because he had a friendly energy. I said this to him. “What is the need friend? How is it that this arm pit attracted you? What is the value of it?”

He replied.

“Yes, that is the point. It is value! It certainly has value. I could get a body through just that one place in the woman’s body. I could enter there psychically. Then, if things develop, reproductive things, then I would be an embryo. The lady would be my mother. I would be nourished in her body, using her flesh and blood.”

Then I commented like this, “What is your plan friend? Do you expect to get a body in that way?”

He replied.

“O no! To the contrary! I do not want a physical system again. But yes, that causes a query. Why be attracted to that area of the body? But it is more than that because the subtle body which I am now, functions with that attraction. Can it be erased out of it. Otherwise, that attraction to that area of the lady, will be there and must be considered. It is a recurring tendency in the subtle body. It is wonderful how even if one does yoga austerities, even if one removes the tendency for a while, it reasserts itself. It stalls the progress. It forces itself to take control of the psyche.

“One feels the power of it, how it compels the entire body in a certain way with a type of gravity. It pulls or pushes as it may. It causes one to be unified with a flesh part of a female of the species. It is compulsory.”

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