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Death Location Objective

When considering the current difficulty for attaining yoga objectives, it is best to be realistic and to plan for the next level of achievement, rather than to aspire for full success.

In relation to what situation, level, or location, one desires after losing access to the physical body, the idea of aiming for the highest achievement is not a practical way. Why?

Due to the fact, that under the present conditions, it is hardly likely that one could achieve the highest level according to one’s view of it. What is realistic?

To aim for a situation hereafter in which one may continue the practice, and will not hanker for physical access. You may recall that independent life for the present physical body began with the need to prevent suffocation and satisfy hunger. It began with acquiring air and suckling liquid food either from the mother’s nipples or from a bottle or spoon. That basis need for physical food should be eliminated while one lives as a physical body.

Then one may experience a subtle body which does not have the urge for edible physical liquids and solids. What will be left is air, physical air. Since that is to a degree subtle when contrasted to drinks and physical foods, it is a good place to start to reorient the self to acquiring nutrition from subtle matter.

This will help considerably to offset the constant need for physical access which most disembodied people feel once they are deceased.

I was with a friend who was recently departed. On the astral side, we did breath infusion practice in several postures. We discussed the agnisara stomach infusion practice. He did not complete it before he lost access to his last physical body. The result is that there is the formation of a digestive, excretive mechanism in his subtle body just as there was one in his last physical form. Now he must endeavor to eliminate it.

Once when I was about to eat a physical meal, this friend came on the astral side to partake of it. I said to him. “What is your need for this? You are no longer on the physical side.”

He felt to eat because the tendency to take and process subtle energy from physical food was present in the subtle body as a mandatory urge. This feature of the subtle body should be eliminated before the physical system dies. Otherwise, it is likely that one will crave physical food and will become a humbug, who will harass relatives and friends to eat through their living bodies, such that one will derive subtle nutrients through their digestive system. This is a sure induction to becoming an embryo again.

For safety’s sake, one should constantly check the subtle body to be sure that it eliminates whatever it acquired as a habit, which it derived because of developing a physical body, and having to manage physical tendencies.

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