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Dead Yogi said that Nature is Confusing

A deceased friend, Sir Paul Castagna comes regularly to practice using his subtle body. In that form he can see more exactly what is done in my subtle form during sessions.


Subtle body perception is important for progress in yoga. It is not based on perception but on a shift or transfer of interest into the subtle body, and not after the physical body is dead, but during its use.


If one waits to commit the transfer until after death of the physical system, then that might not happen because of the lifelong momentum of interest invested into the physical side.


I did a session in which cell kundalini fired in a part of the subtle trunk, where many cells bunched together and fired their bliss charge of energy. Sir Paul asked what to do. I said this:


Compress that lump of energy in one itself. Do not try to move it or direct it to go anywhere. Crush it in on itself. Do this here and there and anywhere the cells bunch together.


After this when we sat to meditate, I instructed him in doing focus arrest which is process introduced by Srila Yogeshwarananda. This is where the yogi focuses on his focus energy and not on the target of that energy. Srila Yogesh feels that this process prepares the yogi to see supernatural light and to see into the chit akash sky of consciousness. The stability of such perception hinges more on the steady focus of the yogi, then on the divine eye entry into transcendental levels.



During the session, Sir Paul mentioned the issue of association with women, with lovers, where there is some sexual attraction, fondness, general affection or curiosity interest. He wanted to know what to do about that. I said this:


It does not matter. That has nothing to do with the practice. Just be sure to secure the practice. We cannot control fate. We need not bother about the movements of fate, which are like the movements of dried twigs in a river. Something moves here and causes other things to happen over there. We have little control of that. Let us focus on what we can control which is the relationship we have with the adjuncts in the psyche.


Let nature do what it desires; to present whosoever it desires to present. All along, let us firm up the practice. What little control it will allow us let us invest that into the relationship with the adjuncts.


He then said this:

Nature presents one person as the desired woman. Then later it takes that person away. Then again it presents another person. Then it takes that second person away. This is confusing. What is to be done?


I said this:


It does not matter. Just deal with what is presented for as long as it is presented. Do your best. But all along keep up your practice. A time will come when nature will not present anything. Then what? Now nature is in its active state with these creatures who are out and about. Later nature will shut this down. At that time there will be no presentations except for those who are beyond the levels which were suspended. Maybe others will become manifest to us then, totally different people with totally different needs.



Hence we should keep practicing and aggressively keep focused on that and nothing else.

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