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Dead Man’s Happiness

Sir Paul who is now deceased, said to me on May 27th 2015, that it is so wonderful when one is dead because then the living no longer expects one to do anything, and one becomes like an animal which is freed from a wagon and harness.


 Of course this conclusion is short sighted because in the long haul once a body is no longer available for use, the person has to find association in the astral world and will in time try to communicate with the living people. That in turn means that demands will be made. The person will be harassed by the thinking and feeling energies of those who are living when they will, time and time again, seek out that person to get opinions and to lodge complaints and resentments.


 It is only immediately after death, due to the shock of having to deal with the dead body of the deceased and having to do some social rearrangement, will those people back off from harassing the deceased.


 Hence the truthful statement would run like this:


 It is so wonderful immediately after one’s death, for about two or three weeks and for about two months for the most, because then the living, due to shock of dealing with a dead unresponsive body, no longer expects one to do anything. One becomes like an animal which is freed from a harness. But soon after that respite, one will again be victimized both on the astral and physical levels by ancestors and descendants, by friends and by enemies.


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