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Critical Energy of the Self

February 26, 2018

During breath infusion practice, I got a visit from Babaji from the kriya lineage. I have not seen him for months, so long that I cannot recall his last visit. He came down to a low subtle level to communicate with me about something that was important to him, something which he discussed with me in detail before and which I elaborated on in the commentary which I titled, Kriya Yoga Bhagavad Gita.


He said this:

"There is sufficient critical energy for the individual only, not for others. If one thinks that one has critical energy to be used to help others through their crisis of discovering self-faults, then one is in illusion and will make little progress in advanced yoga."


The critical energy is outward going by nature. That has to change by pratyaharing it so that it turns inward upon the self. Many students resist correction in regards to this critical energy. Some are bull-headed about it, which means that despite being told, they continue this avid interest in others and neglect self-development. How sad is this?

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