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Cosmic Terror ~ Yogi Experience

I found the video below and it is reminiscent of sometimes in the astral world when a system of existence collapses and there is nothing to replace it or something of a horror replaces it. Sometimes great yogis survive a cosmic cancellation of existence. This might sound like fun or it might seem that such yogis are great beings or that such yogis have some divine grace. However not all of these experiments are nice. Some are frightening. There is the example of Markandeya who survived the sleep shut down of the mind of trhe Brahma deity. Part of his experience in a cosmic sea with real astral sea monsters was horrific. So it in my two books


·        Markandeya Samasya English

·        Krishna Cosmic Body


Once when this body I currently use was about 8 years of age, I had the opportunities to visit some yogi-friends of mine who no longer use environmentally-responsive astral forms and who also have no material bodies. They stayed on an astral place where everything is suspended for the time being. When I first go there I was looking for them in the usually way one could look for someone say who is on a city street but then I remembered that the existence where they were is dissimilar to what we experience as physical beings. At that time my astral form disappeared. I was left just an identity without an astral body but in the astral existence side by side with them.


In that place there were cosmic sounds which were so loud as to scare anyone out of his wits. There are cosmic flashes of lightning and sounds of thunder which were as horrific as one would wish that one were not in existence.



Sometimes yogis remain in these places for millions of years. They do so as they wait for a shift or for the movement energy of a deity. When I found this video below, I remember the incidence of meeting my yogi friends who were shifted out of the need for physical or subtle forms in this system. In the video it is not so bad as I described above but consider being a microscopic being on one of those ice fragments and consider if your lifetime was only one week and for the whole time you had to endure this terror, where your one week to you lasted just as say an entire human life time, where your microscopic ears heard those cracking sounds and had to endure that terror for the entire lifetime.

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