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Clair audience is hearing from a distance. It may be a cultivated mystic skill. It may happen spontaneously in meditation or otherwise.


Apart from seeing things a yogi may sometimes hear things. One morning bright and early I began to hear an argument between a politician and his son, where the son severely criticized the father for his loose mouth. The son was of the opinion that the father, a politician running for office, would lose the election. The son said this:

Dad, I feel your mouth will be your undoing. It got you into the limelight. Now it will get you into the dark night of a big defeat.


The father was angry about this remark. He replied,

You do not have to support me I can do this alone. I do not need your help.


Clairaudience can be a developed mystic practice. Patanjali spoke of it like this:

श्रोत्राकाशयोः सम्बन्धसंयमाद्दिव्यं श्रोत्रम्॥४२॥


śrotra ākāśayoḥ saṁbandha saṁyamāt divyaṁ śrotram


śrotra – hearing sense; ākāśayoḥ – of space; saṁbandha – relationship; saṁyamāt – from the complete restraint of the mento-emotional energy; divyaṁ – divine, supernatural; śrotram – hearing sense.


By the complete restraint of the mento-emotional energy, while focusing on the hearing sense and space, a yogin develops supernatural and divine hearing. (Yoga Sutras 3.42)


However even without deliberately meditating on the hearing sense and space, a yogi may have clairaudient experiences. When this happens, it will be as if the yogi is in a space and the words of others are heard clearly just as if they too are in that open space.


This space is a special astral dimension in which sounds and the persons who make such sounds are perceived by the yogi with those persons using a body which is made of the air of that astral atmosphere.


This is not eavesdropping. This is not based on the desire to snoop on the conversations of others. This happens because of meditation access which is granted spontaneously when a yogi happens to be on a certain level of consciousness which he reached in meditation or which he reached spontaneously because of shifts in the astral body.


There is this critique where people feel that a yogi has to peep into, or snoop into the lives of others or have desires to see or sense others in some way, and then the yogi gets that access to snoop.


This is not that kind of experience. This happens spontaneously either as clairaudience or clairvoyance or smelling, tasting, touching from afar, even from in other dimensions.



When the yogi is transferred into the dimension where the incidence happens, the yogi perceives what is there. In the Mahabharata, there is the incidence of the blind King Dhritarashtra who got an eyewitness report on what happened at the battlefield of Kurukshetra. He was told of this by Sanjaya, who was empowered by Vyasa Yogi to see and hear everything that took place. In that instance, a person got clairaudience ability because of an empowered by a capable yogi. That was deliberate.

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