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Civilization of the Past

The remnants of previous civilizations are present as fossil records and architectural edifices which seem to be the work of human beings. Some say some of it is the work of aliens or superhumans who existed on earth before.

See the place in China which I visited around 2007. The wonder of it! It has a peculiar Chinese touch. When I look closer, I see many laboring hands and precise architects. It is one thing to draw the illustration of the building you desire. It is a totally separate matter to produce it in physicality.

Even after seeing such a building, even after detailing it, still one may have no idea of how to produce it.

What about the labor force involved?

What does the building say about those who labored in the production?

Who installed, decorated and painted the soffit?

Who cut the wooden beams? How many people were involved?

What were they paid?

Suppose someone suggest that aliens did this. Was it all done with supernatural wishing power, which required no labor participation?

When we say that Jim built it what does that mean? Did Jim do the labor? Did Jim draw the blueprint? Did Jim lay out the foundation limits?

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