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Chit Akash Access Direct

March 15, 2018

Upamanyu Rishi

I was in a chit akash sky of consciousness access meditation, when suddenly I sense Krishna to be nearby. He was in a cloud-type body which was dark grey. He indicated that I should follow him. When this first happened I was in the subtle head of my subtle body but after he gave the hint to follow, it changed and I was in an astral dimension which was a cave. As soon as I began to follow him, there appeared behind me Upamanyu Rishi a person who was one of Krishna gurus during Krishna life on earth, and who according to the Mahabharata introduced Krishna to a mystic method of reaching Shiva.


I continued following Krishna but I offered respect to Rishi Upamanyu. Krishna kept moving away from Upamanyu who was behind me about the astral distance of twenty feet. Then Upamanyu instructed me to sit to his right. I did this and Krishna disappeared.


Upamanyu was in a pleasant mood, jovial, as he always is. Without using any language, he expressed to me:

“Do it. Let me see.”


I entered a meditative state with naad sound resonance absorption, and with the core self looking ahead only enough to see the energy field in the subtle head. None of the energy extended outside the psyche. None had interest in going out to pursue anything outside the subtle body. None pursued memories pertaining to anything outside the psyche.


As soon as I assume the meditative state, Upamanyu expressed an instruction, “Discard that. It makes you heavy.”


He spoke of energy which was carried in my psyche from the time of my assuming this body as an embryo. This energy was lodged into my psyche or grafted on to it by ancestors who used me as a carrier for transferring their conjoint aspirations. After Upamanyu said that I noticed this energy. Some years ago I found and transferred away from my psyche some energy like this but these packages (about three of them) were unknown to me. I did not realize they were in my psyche in the first place, much less know that they made me heavy and deterred access to the chit akash sky of consciousness.


When I dislodged this energy, it moved away and went to some of my ancestors who currently using physical bodies which are younger than my own. I watched as the energy packages hooked into the psyches of these other persons.


Just then Upamanyu expressed this, “Try again.”


This time when I resumed the meditation, I found that the environment in the subtle body changed. It felt different, felt more like it had a greater percentage of chit akash bliss energy.


I became absorbed in the naad sound resonance and the jyoti light energy absorption simultaneously. It is in this state that a yogin should wait for the chit akash to become available through visual or transit access.


Sometime after, and I cannot say how long, because in that state, there was no time reference, nothing with which to gage duration, I saw a round opening which was full of light. It was about twelve inches in diameter. It was to my right. This was an access window into the chit akash sky of consciousness because the energy which radiated from it was spiritual bliss energy, such that if I went through that opening, I would be in a spiritual form with spiritual bliss energy saturation. This opening was to my right and it move to the left in a curved path. Some of the light from the other side of it shun into the psychic dimension where I was located. Then this ceased. Then to my right side an opening to an astral dimension appeared. This was similar to the first one. These seem to be lights but they were openings into chit akash actually.


After that second one, then something else happened where there was a view opening to my left but this one opened to an astral dimension. I tried to control this and was able to direct it upward. I notice that this vision into that astral place was to a high brick-like wall, like the Great Wall of China going up about two hundred feet. As I desired the vision moved up to the top of the wall, where it was like if a person who was at the base of a high wall, tilted his head and slowly moved his eyes up and up until he saw the top of the wall. This lasted for a bit and then I found that I was without chit akash or astral dimension access in the head of the subtle body. Then the meditation concluded. I was left with a taste of chit akash bliss in my psyche. It was a small amount of that energy mixed into the breath infusion energy which was in the subtle body from the breath infusion session I did just before the meditation.


I could still feel the jovial attitude of Upamanyu Rishi and also the caring interest of Krishna as expressed to me during their appearances.


Special Note:


There are many impediments to chit akash sky of consciousness access. Actually in a way it is discouraging to know how much one must to do complete this access. In this experience, it was shown to me by Rishi Upamanyu that I had some ancestral energy packages which I carried in my psyche and which I was unaware of but which caused obstruction. Once those packages were released, that changed.


However I removed many other types of impediments over the years. A student should discover such barriers and also be inspired or shown some others.

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