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Cell Kundalini Details

Cell kundalini is not the conventionally known kundalini. In fact, it is doubtful if anyone would find any reference to cell kundalini in the ancient yoga test. The reason being is that cell kundalini concerns a very high level of breath infusion and samyama meditation practice, where usually when a student begins to recognize and direct cell kundalini, he or she loses interest in discussing the progress with anyone.


Some ascetics discover cell kundalini after leaving the body for good and transferring to the siddha loka place or to an isolated astral place which was established and which is quarantined by a powerful yoga guru.


In this life, part of the mission was to show how to change the subtle body into a yoga siddha one before leaving the physical body. It is in that interest that I described cell kundalini but the intention is not to belittle it as an achievement, or to make it seem that any and every student can realize it. My job is to give the information of it, after practicing in this current twentieth-century body. Before this body was acquired, I got a mission which in plain terms was to go into the gutter, live there, find a method to escape from there, publish the efforts at locating and using that method, report on the success and failure of the method.


The conventional spine-to-brain kundalini is the one which every student should try to master. Cell kundalini is not for everyone to discover and practice. Even though I gave information about it that does not mean that every student should try to master it. Master the convention spine-to-brain kundalini, just as the ancient yoga books recommend. Do that and everything else will fall into place?


I want to clarify to one and all that merely because I gave some information based on my current practice that does not mean that the information should be used by everyone. It does not mean that I am suggesting that everyone should know it, and use it. If you feel that way, then be sure to know that I am not necessarily supporting your view even though I published the information.


This relates also to the fact that some students, especially the ones who develop justified or impulsive resentments towards me, sometimes use this information to say that I am no better than anyone else, that I am evolving just like anyone else. Some cite Buddha as a person who was a bodhisattva and then became a Buddha, saying that proved that none of these people were perfected or divine souls before but that like everyone else, they are all limited beings evolving.


This kind of thinking is nonsensical. It causes the students to progress very slowly as a result. The idea that because someone one is involved in the evolutionally cycle or in a process of liberation, that person cannot be a divine person is total nonsense but if it pleases your little mind, then keep with it for as long as you can.




The conventional spine-to-brain kundalini yoga process is similar to the training of a wild horse. In such training, the trainer has to work with the animal as it is. This psyche is constructed with a spine-to-brain management system which is known on the physical side as the nervous system. It operates with commands from the brain mostly which come down into the body. The yogi uses this system but he changes it so that it operates in an upward direction, of energy goes up for management, rather than coming down and predominating as nature would have it.


While in nature, the nerve commands go down from the brain, and the nutrition-hormone system is focus for reproduction through sex linkage, in the convention kundalini yoga, the nutrition-hormone system is used as is, but it is sent to the muladhara based chakra and then circumstantially forced upward through the spine into the brain.


This is called mastership of kundalini yoga. Students should strive for proficiency in this.




Cell kundalini is not that system. Cell kundalini is like training a colt which was bred from a long line of stable-birth horses. Because these animals began in the stable and had parents and ancestors who were stable-birth animals, they are easier to train and rarely exhibit wild behaviors.


This analogy is limited however because in the case of the yogi, even when he or she is doing cell kundalini practice, even then the subtle body might resume its natural habits. Then there might be an experience with the conventional spine-to-brain kundalini. However that setback is no cause for worry. It is natural that so long as nature is involved, it might force a short-term or long-term resumption of that natural system.


Until there is a complete transfer out of this material body and out of the subtle body which has tendencies for physical fulfilment, the possibility of the resumption of the nature system is present.


What is cell kundalini?


Cell kundalini is the micro kundalini is a cell in the body.


Why does a student not realize cell kundalini even though a student may experience spine-to-brain kundalini?


Kundalini designed the energy distribution system in the material body, in such a way that from day one, the cells were designed to yield up the charge energy of their kundalini to the collective kundalini at the base of the spine. As soon as the cells develop an energy charge, their impulsive nature dictates to them that it should be contributed to the collective kundalini.

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