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Causal Body Orientation

In all respects if you know what type of energy and how it works in a plane of consciousness which you desire to assume, you should in the old location, in the material world, strive to attain that other place or space. Try to assume a psyche configuration which is similar to that other location.


Srila Yogeshwarananda discussed this topic with me. He explained how a yogi prepares for translation to higher levels. The yogi can so do deliberately only if he experienced the desired plane prior and knows its situation intimately. We discussed the causal zone, a place in which one has no type of limbs or body senses but one exist in sheer high-quality psychic energy. In that place one feels as if one is surrounded by sand-grains of high class psychic energy.


To reach such a place using bhastrika breath infusion, the student must first curb kundalini from its natural habit of accumulating and then using sex hormone energy. This is done by first ushering the hormone energy into muladhar chakra where it mixes with the kundalini force, and inspires kundalini to vacate that chakra and to go up through the spine into the brain.



Once this is mastered whereby the sushumna central nadi passage is kept clear of heavy astral energy continuously, the yogi should focus on cell kundalini. It is in the stage of cell kundalini proficiency that the yogi gets to experience the subtle body as being without digestive needs like those of the physical system. The subtle body in the lower levels of it, has organs which are similar to those in the physical system. However by doing cell kundalini these organs are shattered out, so that they disappear in the subtle body. Then the entire subtle body consist of micro-pixel energy with no organs in it. This experience is similar to that of being in the causal zone 

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