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Buddhi Yoga-4: Introduction of Lalāṭa Chakra (Forehead Chakra), an Extension of Buddhi Orb

15 February 2023, Houston, Texas

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This is the sequence to Buddhi Yoga-3: Rotational Speed, more Axes & interesting Shapes of Buddhi Organ

Meaning of Lalāṭa:

Lalāṭa is a Sanskrit word, the following definition is taken from sanskritdictionary.com

lalāṭa ललाट, Definition: n. (later form of rarāṭa- q.v) the forehead, brow,  etc. ( lalāṭe ṭe- ind. on the forehead, in front; the destiny of every individual is believed by the Hindus to be written by brahmā- on his forehead on the 6th day after birth)

Location & Behaviour of Lalāṭa Chakra:

I observed the lalāṭa Chakra at the midpoint of the forehead and that's how it derives the name from Snaskrit. Some people observe it as the crest of the forehead, in my case, it was at the midpoint.

Lalāṭa Chakra is not the third eye chakra. It is very easy to confuse between 2 chakras as they are located closeby but the stark difference between tow is: Lalāṭa Chakra acts as an idea, thoughts manufacturing psychic organ and third eye chakra acts like a portal or telescope to view other dimensions.  

Even now as I type the lalāṭa chakra keeps spinning in a moderate speed, and I have to pull back once in a while to finish the article in hand. Both Kundalini provokes the lalāṭa chakra and lalāṭa chakra itself inherently possesses such a random untamed distractive energy. All yogic methods converge at some point in taming this orb directly or indirectly.  

Lalāṭa Chakra’s has certain objectivity and attention on its own independent of atma but still, Lalāṭa Chakra (Extension of buddhi/ intellect organ) compulsively and involuntarily sucks out extraordinary attention energy from Atma to power all its pursuits and random behavior., which becomes difficult for Atma to tame. 






 the Lalāṭa Chakra’s Spinning Light Cone appears like a Light house’s rotating flash of light except that Lalāṭa Chakra can rotate in all planes in random speeds.

During meditation in darkness, when observed from the core-self, Lalāṭa Chakra’s Spinning Light Cone appears like a flash of light followed by darkness, very similar to the experience of observing the lighthouse at night time.

In open eyes, while doing some work, one can still perceive the Lalāṭa Chakra’s Spinning Light Cone except that it gets more subtle. Subtleness can be crudely compared to a lighthouse's light during day time, lighthouse light and sunlight will almost overlap to laity but if one is acutely sensitive to see the location and spinning of the light beam from a big torch on top of the lighthouse, one can distinguish between the motion of light beam in the expansive fill of sunlight. 





The natural behavior of Lalāṭa Chakra:

Very often, one finds himself in a lack of concentration or mindfulness while doing normal tasks like reading, washing plates, driving a car, etc, this is due to Lalāṭa chakra's random spinning.

For example, As one reads a book after 5-10 mins of concentration on the subject, the intellect (buddhi) starts focussing on some random external thought concerning self or others which leads to unnecessary mental suffering, confusion, pleasure or trauma. When this happened several times, I psychically used Buddhi vision to check the psychic activity inside the head, the culprit was Lalāṭa chakra, it was shining its light on some random world news or about someone's situation as I am holding my book in my hands.

This is the common scenario in almost every activity I do, lalāṭa chakra starts spinning randomly every second slower or faster. Applying mindfulness becomes a compulsion at some point to get the work done on hand, this orb cannot be left untamed.


Predominantly, I have observed lalāṭa chakra usually plays and wallows with the short-term or flash memory debris, it does not pull up up the long-buried memory from the chest unless one wnats to pull it up and trigger more mental debris and confusion. All internet and social media sites are programmed to attract this orb to keep us zapping thru the videos and channels constantly.   

I adamantly tried to respin the Lalāṭa orb and focus it externally on the book in hand to finish the book but still, it went to spinning in other direction on some random distractive subjects. Sometimes, it gives a pleasure trip or anesthesia-like effect on the core self that I forget what I was doing and keeps continuing the distractions all along, by the time I realized the Lalāṭa orb tricked the atma and used its attention energy to focus on something unrelated, I vehemently try to respin it back to the book in hand. This is an ongoing struggle.

The habitual behavior of Lalāṭa chakra of random fast spinning has to be reformed to one-pointed focus and then to utter stillness without any motion of the orb and switch off the spotlight of the orb to a complete shutdown and detach from atma energy latching on.

Kundalini feeds the Lalāṭa chakra which is nothing but an extension of the Buddhi orb. So, purifying the kundalini by breath infusion helps to a good degree, even then we find ourselves in turmoil of thoughts due to the spin of Lalāṭa chakra during meditation. The remaining purification has to be done using the sensual withdrawal technique in mediation as shown below. 


Controlling the Lalāṭa Chakra spinning:

Controlling the Lalāṭa chakra spin is no ordinary task.

It is a rough, random, adamant, and very fast-spinning orb that is the cause of all mental suffering and mento-emotional fluctuations (vrittis). 

  1. Pratyahra and sensual withdrawal is the ultimate solution to the orb spinning.
  2. Mindfulness inside the body or body contemplation is a good way to reduce the speed step by step (Buddhist method)
  3. Training Lalāṭa chakra on how to focus on one psychic or mental object or Naad or inside the body for longer times increase the levels of concentration from deliberate to continuous (dharana/ dhyana)
  4. Applied mindfulness in Walking meditation in Buddhist practices is a pretty effective method too

Videos of Lalāṭa Chakra spinning:

Faster and random the spin → faster and random the manufacturing of thoughts and images


Bibliography: More articles on Lalāṭa Chakra

Madhva's writing on Lalata Charkra:

Lalāṭa Chakra is not spoken or written widely like other spinal chakras. There are super rare books that speak on Lalata Chakra in detail, and Madhva's Pictorial Meditation is one of them. 

I had several psychic instincts on this for more than 1 year but I failed to point it out accurately. Madhva referred me to sensual withdrawal practice in Mediation pictorial and there the energy of the book first pointed me to the page of Lalāṭa chakra, and that explained my 1-year hankering doubt on this orb of torch light spinning in my forehead.

I have attached the snapshots of the Meditation Pictorial books by Yogi Madhvacharya which discuss about Lalāṭa Chakra (Pg-188- 190)




Replies (2)
    • In Buddhism one of the 5 major obstacles to liberation is RESTLESSNESS. I kept thinking as I read your post that the lalata chakra might be the source of this very same restlessness. I agree with you that pratyahara sensual withdrawal leads to the conquest of lalata distractions. And one has to keep at it, keep training the mind from wandering, by whatever effective method one has. 

      Great post! It’s very interesting to hear about this through your psychic vision. I’m not psychically visual (as you most certainly are!!!) but I think I’m tackling the same impediment while blindfolded. 

      Thanks for sharing!

      • I had this instinct more than 1 year ago but I did not know how to convert the instinct to insight and apply it for reformation.

        While reading Buddhist books on Buddha and Acharya Mun, I learned mindfulness and walking meditation. I practiced walking meditation chanting "Buddho" inside the head for hours over days apart from other practices. 

        It has been pretty effective in developing mindfulness and taming the lalata orb to a good extent. But once I relax the guard of mindfulness, the mind starts wandering and lalata chakra goes in full random way. 

        After 2-3 days of no walking meditation again the behavior goes back to a random way. So, I am persisting with it.

        All this push towards walking meditation and reading the Buddhist books and energy come from your posts (also from books of Madhva).

        So, these posts of mine and my spiritual efforts are in this direction. are direct and indirect contributions and building blocks from you.

        I am indebted and grateful for your spiritual efforts and for sharing them with us!

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