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Buddhi Intellect’s Idea-Eating

The term is consumption. The Sanskrit is bhoga which means experience. Usually however the common meaning of bhoga is what it to be eaten or what is being prepared to be eaten? The experiences or bhogas which material nature provides are what we are after, life after life. The idea is consumption of various gross and subtle objects, even illusions provide a staple diet for some of us.


In advanced meditation, there comes a time when one can begin to observe the behavior of the buddhi intellect orb, how it eats ideas and is nervous and schizophrenic when it is unable to acquire psychic formations.


Somebody said that such formations are illusions and should be disregarded but such statements do nothing to stop the habits of the buddhi intellect orb. Even after it reasoned out that illusory formations are worthless ultimately it still pursues and eats the formations of ideas and images. It continually craves these. It procures these. The hypocrites and fanatics do not dare admit that this is the situation because they need to believe that they have the ability to control the mind or that their religious method will do that for them.


A yogi should study the truth about his or her nature. Then should over time try to find ways to reform the self, to change what can be changed, to regulate what can be regulated and to come to peace with what cannot be adjusted.


Sit in meditation. Determine if your buddhi intellect orb can give up psychic impressions of ideas comfortably without it hankering to invoke the same during the meditation session. Sure it will have to return to idea-eating sooner or later because we live in the world and must maintain the physical body by interaction in the world. Can it not safely abandon ideas during the meditation session. Does it have to consume the ideas at that time? Does it have to assume a mood which in itself causes the formation of ideas from the blank energy in the mind?


Can the intellect remain chewing on nothing, no ideas, and just on blank energy?



Can that happen and for how long?




Let me put it in another way:


Say that you are sitting on a piece of land which has gold ore. It was not mined. It is in the earth under you. You know about it. You are satisfied just knowing it. You feel that you do not need to see the gold. You do not need to mine it. You do not need to pass it through a chemical and combustive process to extract the gold in its purest form.


Can you go on like that being satisfied with just the raw material of mental energy which has not developed into idea forms?


Back to the buddhi and its idea-feeding habit:


Can you be satisfied with the buddhi with the blank energy in the mind, without that energy changing into ideas which are relishable and easily consumed?




Patanjali gave a hint:



Yoga Sutras Chapter 3 Verse 12


ततः पुनः शान्तोदितौ तुल्यप्रत्ययौ चित्तस्यैकाग्रतापरिणामः॥१२॥
tataḥ punaḥśānta uditau tulya pratyayau
cittasya ekāgratāpariṇāmaḥ


tataḥ – then; punaḥ – again; santoditau = śānta – tranquilized, settled, subsided + uditau – and agitated, emerging; tulya – similar; pratyayaḥu – conviction or belief as mental content, instinctive interest; cittasya – of the mento-emotional energy; ekāgratā – of what is in front of one aspect before the attention; pariṇāmaḥ – transforming effects, change.


Then again, when the mind’s content is the same as it was when it is subsiding and when it is emerging, that is the transformation called “having one aspect in front of or before the attention”.


Sounds cryptic?


That is because it is. See if you can break it down.

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