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Buddha’s Meditation Process

During October of 2016, I was inspired by Gautama Buddha to use his meditation procedure. There is much about his information given by many Buddhist teachers today. Many feel that his basis method is vipassana which is described differently by different teachers and which is now used in many different ways. Here is the sequences of actions which he listed to me:


·       Observation of breath energy state

·       Even diffusion of breath energy observed

·       Connection with naad sound resonance

·       Diffusion of naad sound resonance to the front of the subtle head

·       Relaxation of the Action-Agent I-consciousness

·       Becoming absorbed in what remains after the I-consciousness is relaxed


At first when Buddha appeared, I told him that I was doing some practice for Srila Yogeshwarananda. He then said that I should do the practice which he would describe because he too had a valid method.


Then he entered my subtle head and began to do the procedure. I observed it.


Special Explanation:


Observation of breath energy state

Buddha was specific in saying that this was observation of breath energy state, not observation of breath, not observation of breath rhythm. It has nothing to do with the physical nostril or physical air. This is observation of the state of the subtle breath energy which is in the psyche of the yogi. The yogi must find out the condition of this energy as it is at the time the meditation begins. It may take five, ten or thirty minutes to make this observation because the yogi has to shift to a subtle level where that observation can be made.


Even diffusion of breath energy observed


Once the yogi made the observation of the breath energy and then is situated where that observation was made and kept observing it to see if it changes or if it is scattered or if it is stable or if it is energizing. he should observe how it is diffused. Is it diffused evenly through the psyche? Is it bunched up in one or more places? Is it very dense? Is it scattered?


Connection with naad sound resonance


Connection with naad sound resonance should happen as a matter of course but if it does not, then the yogi should have a method of meeting naad on the level of consciousness where naad is heard. Those yogis who do not hear naad or who have never heard it, need to get help from an advanced yogi. The reason for this is that naad is a continuous universal sound. It is not particular to any yogi. A yogi connects with it just as a modern human could connect with a radio broadcast if he has a radio and can tune to a particular frequency.


If the yogi cannot connect with naad, he is left only with the breath energy diffusion state as an object of focus.


Diffusion of naad sound resonance to the front of the subtle head


Once the yogi has located the naad resonance, he should move with the resonance to the frontal part of the subtle head. If when he takes this action, he finds that he loses track of naad, he should return to the back of the head and connect with naad. Then he should again try to move forward but this time with naad as if he is holding naad and moving with it. If in doing this he finds that he is alone without naad. He should again tune to naad by moving backwards and then instead of going to the front of the subtle head, he should push naad so that it streams ahead, like a rising river flooding low land. Then once naad is in the front, he should move to the front remaining with naad there.


The yogi should remain with naad in the front for some time, until he is certain that naad will remain there with him without his making any effort for it to do so. This might take some time like fifteen minutes or more of practice. During some meditations this might never be achieved. If so the yogi should not go to the next step in this practice but should remain with naad in the front for the rest of the time of practice.


Relaxation of the Action-Agent I-consciousness


Once the yogi is certain that naad will remain in the front of its own accord without effort on his part and that he as the core-self will remain effortlessly in naad there in the front, he should take steps to disband the Action-Agent I-Consciousness. This will be like relaxing a muscle. He will simply relax the need for asserting identity and for displaying a self in a social format. Then at last, he should become absorbed in what remains after the I-consciousness is relaxed


Removal of Obstructions


It is likely that when the yogi attempts this practice, he is disturbed or prevented from completing it by obstructions in the mind. These will be thoughts, ideas or images which flash in the mind and confiscate his attention, so that he finds he is no longer focused on the suggested course.


When an idea arrests the attention of the mind, it might do so with such power and so thoroughly that the yogi may not realize he was enthralled for some time, such that it may take some moments or minutes even before he realizes that he was escorted away from the objective and is instead engaged in giving his attention to an undesirable idea which arose in the mind.


Once a yogi knows that this happened, he should resume the practice, either by beginning from the start of it afresh or by switching back to the stage of the practice which he was focused on before he was hypnotized.



Some yogis might find that even after realizing that they were arrested by an undesirable idea, they cannot release themselves from viewing it. Then the yogi should research the source of such a powerful idea, as to how it derived such power, as to where it began, as to who introduced it.

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