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Breath-Infusion Wonder

During an afternoon session on March 17, 2016, Srila Yogeshwarananda was present astrally. Usually as soon as the subtle body jumps to a higher level, he appears to be there. What actually happens is that in the astral world, senior yogis become aware of persons who practice with a physical body and whose subtle forms jump to higher frequencies due to the practice.

I was doing bhastrika breath infusion. He commented about the process. He said:


It is amazing how few yogis do bhastrika breath infusion or kapalabhati preliminary breath infusion. Some think that the practice is a waste of time or that it is inebriating. Some do it because they are told to. Eventually some cease the practice because they never learn the proper way due to having little stamina or having a non-proficient teacher.

It is a wonderful practice in so far as what it can do to clean the heavy or stale astral energy from the subtle body, not to speak of what it does to move the consciousness-focus of a yogi to a higher plane, where he or she can get higher association and insight into higher realities.


Householder yogis can tear up sex desire through bhastrika breath infusion. They can disintegrate much of the lust energy which is naturally accumulated in a body. How then is it that so few single or involved ascetics use this wonderful practice?

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