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Breath-Infusion Value ~ Will-Power Commands

Srila Yogeshwarananda checked on me on the day of Aug 11, 2015, in respect to how the breath infusion practice was permitting more and more will power control of the psyche. The aim is to attain will power control so that the psyche can be transferred to higher and higher levels, ultimately to the spiritual plane of existence.


As nature would have it, the will power is regarded as a nothing, as simple something which may or may not coincide with reality, and which is not taken seriously by nature. It has some luck whereby on occasion what it desires coincides with the view of reality but usually it has bad luck and is frustrated here and there.


To counterbalance its insecurity, the will power pretends that nature endorses its operations even though in fact nature would have none of it even when it appears that nature has fulfilled its desires.


The breath infusion practices should cause more and more control of the psyche by the will power but in small increments, some of which are unnoticed by the student. Hence there is a necessity for much practice of breath infusion to gain any substantial grasp of the will power over the psyche.


Srila Yogeshwarananda feels that eventually a yogin must abandon nature’s award of a body with limbs and senses because this was awarded by nature through the evolutionary process. It is worthless in the long term for a spiritual outgrowth from the spot-identity of the core-self.


A yogi must gage the value of breath infusion and know what its effects are. After all, it does not matter if Michael Beloved recommends a useless process which does not give the result intended. Whatever it is, whichever process it is, it should be abandoned or rectified if it does not give the result of increased will power control.


I did breath-infusion in this body since 1972. That is over 42 years. Can I honestly say that after that length of time, I increased will power control, that the subtle energy in the system is more responsive to my will power commands?

Using will power commands which work to do specific actions on that energy, can I handle energy which is aroused or which becomes evident during breath infusion?

Is it working or is it not?


Breath infusion, pranayama, is supposed to yield the result of pratyahar sensual energy withdrawal. It is supposed to cause the subtle body to jump to higher planes so that during the meditation which follows, the yogins has to make no effort to elevate the level of consciousness.

Is that happening?

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