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Breath Infusion Targets

Breath Infusion Targets

These are breath infusion target areas which should be demolished in the subtle body using the kundalini energy to help to disintegrate and clear low vibration subtle energy (prana) from the subtle body.

Breath Infusion Targets
  • Nirupama Tyagi

    Nirupama Tyagi Not clear what it means.

  • Patricia Ptak, M.A. LPC

    Patricia Ptak, M.A. LPC Which pranayama do you recommend and in what order do you see the best impact.

  • Michael Beloved

    Michael Beloved Nirupama Tyagi
    It means that if a yogi wants to clarify or upgrade the subtle body, he or she should repeatedly remove the dense astral energy in the various parts of that body. The method for doing this is pranayama breath infusion. Fresh subtle energy (prana) is invigorated into the subtle body. Stale polluted energy along with energy which causes habits which are negative to yoga ideals, is extracted from the subtle body.

    When doing this one will see various pollution lumps or zones which should be removed.

  • Michael Beloved

    Michael Beloved Patricia Ptak, M.A. LPC,
    I recommend kapalabhati/bhastrika pranayama. One should practice kapalabhati and when one gains proficiency in that, it will graduate into bhastrika which is the advanced stage of kapalabhati.

    This is intense rapid breathing with the application of certain muscular locks (bandhas) at specific times during the practice. It causes infused energy to accumulate in the subtle body. This infusion then attacks the subtle pollutions in various parts of the subtle body over time. Breath infusion motives kundalini to move so this practice is really a form of kundalini yoga. Management of the aroused kundalini must be learned from one who mastered that.

  • Michael Beloved

    Michael Beloved Initially the attack of the infused energy will go to the stomach accumulation mechanism. When it saturates that, the energy mix will move downward to the intestinal mass of energy. When that mix is further infused with more rapid breaths, it will target the reproduction complex of hormonal energies. The yogi should apply the anus, sex, navel and neck locks so as to cause the mix to target the muladhar base chakra.
    That is the preliminary method.

    See details in my book: http://michaelbeloved.com/kundalini-hatha-yoga-pradipika

  • Patricia Ptak, M.A. LPC

    Patricia Ptak, M.A. LPC Thank you,

  • Nirupama Tyagi

    Nirupama Tyagi So it's more about clarifying than demolishing.

  • Michael Beloved

    Michael Beloved Nirupama Tyagi,
    I just do not agree. It may be 50/50 if anything. 
    The pollutants in the subtle body do not come out merely by putting in prana, one has to direct the prana into the pollutants and when the two are forcibly mixed, then they either implode or explode and that is when the pollutants become fragments. These are then easily removed from the subtle body. Otherwise all of the imaginary mental and feelings based commands within the psyche for clarification go absolutely nowhere.

    But if you have some other experience then please render it here in detail along with the type of pranayama you do.

  • Nirupama Tyagi
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