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Breath Infusion Practice Report 01

This is a student report on breath infusion practice.

My responses are in red font.


Practice Report – Aug-18-2018

Pranayama: 40mn; Meditation: 35mn;


Did kapalbhati vigorously focusing on the navel. Stopped on an inhale and applied all locks tight pulling in uddiyana bandha upwards tightly. Held the lock until all the air was distributed and apana energy was removed by the lungs. Repeated the above for the next 40min.

It should be that while focusing on the air distribution, the lungs will extract apana from the blood stream but that apana will not be released until you begin breathing again. So long as there is accumulation of prana during the rapid breathing, there will be distribution when one ceases the breathing, applies the locks and focuses within the psyche. This action of accumulation and distribution will automatically cause release into the blood stream of the apana energy and its transport to the lungs. In the higher practice of this same procedure as you describe, the focus will shift to the subtle body where the concern about the apana will not be there and it will be full focus on prana accumulation and distribution. The apana action will happen but there will be no focus on it. It will be spontaneous and involuntary.


The subtle body had shifted to higher level due to pranayama. Naad was audible behind the left ear. Focused on naad. The subtle body maintained the high energy for 30min.

Practice Report – Aug-19-2018

Pranayama: 40mn; Meditation: 35mn;


Did kapalbhati vigorously focusing on the navel. Stopped on an inhale and applied all locks tight pulling in uddiyana bandha upwards tightly. Held the lock until all the air was distributed and apana energy was removed by the lungs. Repeated the above for the next 40min.

Physically the apana will not be removed from the lungs but will be transported to the lungs and will be stockpiled there until breathing action begins again. As soon as the breathing is resumed, the apana will be released as promptly as the lung cells can do so.  However on the subtle level, it does not work like that. But at this stage of practice, one may focus on it like that.


The subtle body had shifted to higher level due to pranayama. Naad was audible behind the left ear. Focused on naad. The subtle body maintained the high energy for 30min.

Practice Report – Aug-20-2018

Pranayama: 40mn; Meditation: 30mn;


Did kapalbhati vigorously focusing on the navel. Stopped on an inhale and applied all locks tight pulling in uddiyana bandha upwards tightly. Held the lock until all the air was distributed and apana energy was removed by the lungs. Repeated the above for the next 40min.


The subtle body had shifted to higher level due to pranayama. Naad was audible behind the left ear. Focused on naad. The subtle body maintained the high energy for 30min.

Practice Report – Aug-21-2018

Pranayama: 30mn; Meditation: 30mn;


Did kapalbhati vigorously focusing on the navel. Felt burning sensation in the navel. Stopped on an inhale and applied all locks tight pulling in uddiyana bandha upwards tightly. Held the lock until all the air was distributed and apana energy was removed by the lungs. Repeated the above for the next 30min.

Burning sensation at the navel should be worked on so that in time, this is eliminated. The burn is a signal that there are impurities at the navel which should be taken on. These are eliminated by doing this practice over and over daily until the time comes when there is no more burning no matter how long one does a session, where there is no resistance at the navel.

Please when you stop the breathing during these navel focus session keep the focus tight on the area of the navel where the burning occurs and mentally compress all the accumulated energy inward into the burn. Keep it compressed inward until it either dissolves out or explodes outwards. If it explodes capture the exploding energy and compress that inwards again. Do this again and again


The subtle body had shifted to higher level due to pranayama. Naad was audible behind the left ear. Focused on naad. The subtle body maintained the high energy for 30min.


Practice Report – Sep-15-2018

Pranayama: 30mn; Meditation: 30mn;


Did Bhastrika focusing on the navel. Stopped on an inhale and applied all locks tight pulling in uddiyana bandha upwards tightly. Held the lock until all the air was distributed. Repeated the above for the next 30min.


The subtle body had shifted to a much higher level than previous days. Naad was audible behind the left ear. The sound was deep, had a pulling effect and was easy to focus on. The subtle body maintained the high energy for 30min.

Naad meditation is important. The aspect of it here where it was deep is one aspect to be keen to notice and observe. Another aspect is relationship, where naad is like a nurturing mother or strict father or even endearing like a lover. A yogi/yogini should be keen to notice this in such a way that it become part of the memory. Just as we remember many mundane incidences which do not facilitate yoga, we should train the mind to remember what accelerates yoga

Practice Report – Sep-16-2018

Pranayama: 30mn; Meditation: 30mn;


Did Bhastrika focusing on the navel. Stopped on an inhale and applied all locks tight pulling in uddiyana bandha upwards tightly. Held the lock until all the air was distributed. Repeated the above for the next 30min.


The subtle body had shifted to a higher level. Naad was audible behind the left ear. Focused on naad. The subtle body maintained the high energy for 30min.

Practice Report – Sep-17-2018

Pranayama: 30mn; Meditation: 30mn;


Did Bhastrika focusing on the navel. Stopped on an inhale and applied all locks tight pulling in uddiyana bandha upwards tightly. Held the lock until all the air was distributed. Repeated the above for the next 30min.


The subtle body had shifted to a higher level. Naad was audible behind the left ear. Focused on naad. The subtle body maintained the high energy for 30min. Felt sleepy towards the end.

Practice Report – Sep-18-2018

Pranayama: 30mn; Meditation: 30mn;


Did Kapalbhati for 20min and Bhastrika for 10 min. Stopped on an inhale and applied all locks tight pulling in uddiyana bandha upwards tightly. Held the lock until all the air was distributed. Repeated the above for the next 30min.


The subtle body had shifted to a higher level. Naad was audible behind the left ear. Focused on naad. The subtle body maintained the high energy for 30min. Felt sleepy towards the end.

Sleep is important in meditation. Patanjali listed it as a no no during samyama (meditation). A yogi/yogini has the duty to observe sleep, as to how it ensues, how it maintains itself and how it is phased out by sober awareness. Later as one advances, it will become important to know where sleep originates. Is the sleep energy stored somewhere and how does it exert control over the psyche and erase the coreSelf’s objectivity?


Practice Report – Oct-25-2018

Pranayama: 35mn; Meditation: 35mn;


Did Bhastrika focusing on the navel. Stopped on an inhale and applied all locks tight pulling in uddiyana bandha upwards tightly. Pushed the air down mentally to the pubic area. Held the lock until all the air was distributed. Repeated the above for the next 35min. Felt that lungs were compressing more air than previous days.

Over time doing breath infusion, there should be increased proportion of air ingested for each in-breath. Thus one should notice this increase. Let us say for instance that one takes in a certain cubic number or air, as 20. Then in the beginning of this practice when one was first introduced to it, one in-breath of 20 cubic number only resulted in the lungs absorbing just say 2, so that in effect 18 entered the lung but the lung did not absorb it. But as one practices more and more, the amount which the lung ignores should decreased, until the lungs changed to be so interested in the air, that it absorbs all 20.


The subtle body had shifted to a much higher level than previous days. Naad was audible behind the left ear. Focused on naad. The subtle body maintained the high energy for 30min.


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