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Breath Infusion Cleanser

Breath infusion using kapalabhati or bhastrika should be applied in several postures to target and cleanse various parts of the subtle body. According to the posture used, that will be a cleansing action. If one only uses breath infusion in a classic posture like lotus posture or easy pose, there will be limited benefits from the practice.

In lotus posture for example, if one sits in it for over twenty minutes, one will find that the thighs, legs, and feet, become cramped. This is because crossing the feet on the thighs causes lack of circulation. That also means that in the subtle body, there is lack of circulation of subtle energy as well.

Hence that proves that other postures must be used if one wants to target other parts of the body, of the physical system and the psychic form. Some energy stagnates or loiters in specific parts. This energy should be stirred by breath infusion. It should be mixed with fresh breadth energy and moved into other parts of the psyche. Some should be moved out of the psyche by the infusion process.

Energy which is herded into the sex organs area of the body, into the lower front part of the trunk of the body, should be aggressively mixed with fresh subtle energy. That should be transported in the infused breath force to various other parts of the system.

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