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Brahmaloka / Subtle Body Adaptation

Relocation to higher astral dimensions happens on the basis of adaptation of the subtle body. This is not the concern of those persons who feel that they will bypass the astral world and go to a higher place or be merged into a higher energy. However in inSelf Yoga it is an important development for the yogi to get his or her subtle body to adapt or change so that its contents is compatible with that of the residents of the intended higher place.



There is a verse in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali:


जात्यन्तरपरिणामः प्रकृत्यापूरात्॥२॥


jātyantara pariṇāmaḥ prakṛtyāpūrāt


jātyantara = jāti – category + antara – other, another; pariṇāmaḥ – transformation; prakṛiti – subtle material nature; āpūrāt – due to filling up or saturation.


The transformation from one category to another is by the saturation of the subtle material nature. (Yoga Sutras 4.2)


It is a reasonable proposal that if a person knows for sure that he or she will bypass even the higher astral places and go to yet a higher location at death, that such a person should ignore the course of inSelf Yoga™. Otherwise one would do oneself a favor by developing subtle awareness and methods which would elevate the contents of the subtle body so that it is compatible with those persons who currently reside in the intended higher locale.


The method which I discuss is the one of using breath infusion followed by inMind meditation with particular psychic actions to cause the coreSelf to be situated to peer into the chit akash sky of consciousness which is the spiritual energy locale.


The breath infusion is the kapalabhati/bhastrika pranayama method combined with asana postures until the subtle body is fully infused with fresh subtle energy where the pollutant waste gases are removed from it. This includes but is not limited to kundalini arousal through the subtle spinal passage into the brain. Each part of the subtle body is required to be evacuated of pollutant wasted energy being replace throughout by fresh subtle energy. Correspondingly, the same exchange occurs in the physical form. This upgrade of the subtle body causes the yogi to experience transits to higher dimensions during the infusion and the meditation that follows.


On May 7, 2018, I had an experience during breath infusion practice where suddenly when the legs were cleared of pollution, the kundalini energy in that part of the subtle body sparkled with translucent bliss force of a pinkish hue. Then suddenly the Brahma deity appeared with an entourage of his associates, some of whom were advanced yogins. They floated in the sky as they descended to where I was in the chit akash but I was in a cloud of opaque energy for the most part, with just an opening in it of about the diameter of two feet.


The deity was radiant and appeared pleased that I achieve that degree of clearance of heavy opaque astral energy in the subtle body. Not a word was said. No lips moved. And yet there was communication from person to person.


It may be that this experience verified as fact something that is written in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika:


ब्रह्मादयो|अपि त्रिदशाः पवनाभ्यास–तत्पराः | अभूवन्नन्तक–भयात्तस्मात्पवनमभ्यसेत् || ३९ ||


brahmādayo|api tridaśāḥ pavanābhyāsa–tatparāḥ | abhūvannantaka–bhayāttasmātpavanamabhyaset || 39 ||


brahmādayo = brahmā (creator–god Brahmā) + ādayo (ādayāḥ) (and other supernatural rulers), api – specifically, tridaśāḥ – thirty prominent deities, pavanābhyāsa – practice of breath-infusion, tatparāḥ – fully devoted, abhūvan – became, antaka – of death, in the end, bhayāt – due to fear, tasmāt – thus, pavanam – breath-infusion, abhyaset – should practice


Due to the fear of death, creator-god Brahma and other supernatural rulers, specifically the thirty prominent deities, are fully devoted to the practice of breath-infusion. Thus one should practice it. (Hatha Yoga Pradipika 2.39)


A yogi should not be wishfully thinking about the destination of the subtle body after death. Rather he or she should bank on subtle experiences to know what will happen in fact.

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