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Blue Space inSelf

With some help from Srila Yogeshwarananda, I went into the dark-blue hue cove of the core-self which is located where the default location of the core-self is but which is almost impossible to perceive due to subtlety and abstractness, and mostly due to the core-self’s perpetual and stubborn occupation with physical existence and lower astral realities.


A complete pratyahar sensual energy withdrawal is required except that this is beyond what anyone is willing to do in terms of full detachment and separation of social concerns. In any case I will do my best to report the experience. During the morning session of mediation at about 4.30 am, right after breath infusion session, I saw to meditate. Somehow by the grace of the Almighty, Srila Yogesh was there in my subtle head. He mused over my social situation, how I am still involved with women and families. Traditionally, only single male ascetics, have gone this far in meditation practice.


This is similar to pioneering discoverers who went to the North or South Pole or who were astronauts going in spaceships to the moon or Mars. This is not for the squeamish.


Srila Yogesh began to laugh about how a yogi is doggedly harassed by providence so that he cannot complete the practice no matter how hard he may try. Full success eludes the yogi as he is tantalized by the challenges of social circumstances which demand his attention and rip him away from practice. And yet a few yogis prevail, like those few intrepid explorers who against all odds, are successful somehow or the other.


Anyway as soon as we were in the process of doing this meditation, which is a continuation of years (lifetimes) of work by both of us. We worked on the manifestation of the divine eye. That was stalled for some time due to not being able to find an easy access.


This morning Yogesh Guruji gave the instruction for me to remain at the default location of the core self and battle down the hatches, which is like when on ships, all cargo holes are seal in preparation for waves which might ride over the deck and enter the bowels of the vessel. In this case, the core-self withdraws its interest from everything, shuts down its vision impulse and remains pulled into itself. This is like the statement in the Gita about the tortoise, except that it is in reference to the adjunct in the psyche, rather than in reference to the objects which are outside the psyche.


यदा संहरते चायं

कूर्मोऽङ्गानीव सर्वशः।


तस्य प्रज्ञा प्रतिष्ठिता ॥२.५८॥

yadā saṁharate cāyaṁ

kūrmo'ṅgānīva sarvaśaḥ


tasya prajñā pratiṣṭhitā (2.58)


yadā — when; saṁharate — pulls; cāyaṁ = ca — and + ayam — this; kūrmo = kūrmaḥ — tortoise; 'ṅgānīva = aṅgānīva = aṅgāni — limbs + iva — like, compared to; sarvaśaḥ — fully; indriyāṇīndriyārthebhyas = indriyani — senses + indriyarthebhyaḥ — attractive things; tasya — his; prajñā — reality-piercing vision; pratiṣṭhitā — is established

When such a person pulls fully out of moods, he or she may be compared to the tortoise with its limbs retracted. The senses are withdrawn from the attractive things in the case of a person whose reality-piercing vision is established. (Bhagavad Gita 2.58)


The yogi pulls the core-self and its raw interest inwards and keeps the perception limited to that so that the perception of the adjuncts in the psyche is suspended or deactivated for the time being.


There are several levels of pratyahar sensual energy withdrawal. This is the ultimate version of it, a complete internalization of the core-self upon itself where it hides under all the layers of psychic energy which it usually uses for perceptions and prejudices.


As it goes in and in, it is like a needle penetrating through the layers of an onion, where eventually it reaches that inner most layer. On the inside of that is the dark blue haze light.


Once the yogi arrives there, he may take some rest for a while, then he stabilizes his presence there and waits for instructions on what to do next. 

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