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Birth Passage

There are several birth passages from the world hereafter to this physical side of reality. The passages are used deliberately or instinctively, based on how one is attracted to taking a body, once one is isolated on the psychic side of existence, with no other way to become a physical being.

These passages are in the male and female bodies of people who currently have physical forms, and who could become a parent for the new body of the person requiring one. In cases where someone wants a body, or where someone does not require one, or where someone is simply pulled into the birth process, he/she is magnetically drawn into one of the passages, and is helplessly pulled through a development process, which in time results in a pregnancy, or a miscarriage at some stage.

This is like if someone embarks on a bus which takes a certain route through a city. There is a terminal point at which all passengers must disembark. The passengers can get off during the route but if they do not, they must do so at the terminal.

Disembodied persons may enter the birth process journey at any stage before the birth of a body. These persons will travel through the process but it ends for them at birth. It does so even if the body is not fully developed, even if it developed only partially and may or may not survive being delivered from the mother’s passage.

Once in a meditation, I saw an advanced yogi enter a woman’s thigh. He did so from the knee area. He travelled up her thigh through a subtle tunnel, which had a passage to her uterus. When I questioned him about this, he replied.

“That is a run place. I test it to understand how its energy causes a disembodied person using a subtle body, to develop a physical body as an embryo. Notice that the energies in the tunnel are experienced not as muscles, fat, and bones but as profuse beige-colored light.

“I can enter that tunnel and emerge from it at any place but normally if someone enters it deliberately or by chance, he/she cannot escape from it, except by becoming an embryo, and being birthed or by being rejected from the tunnel by a biological flaw in the woman’s body.”

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