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At the Time of Death

Science is continuing to find evidence of existence outside physical existence. 



Replies (1)
    • Certainly, that final imagery flash is not perceived through the physical eye.

      Very encouraging field to understand more about their discoveries.

      Once this is connected to the realm of dreams then they would have made progress in a deeper direction, IMO.

      However, it is noteworthy that according to results in the article, phenomenologically the organ brain (the mind of part of the psyche) is doing a dump as it unplugs!

      And, that must be a remarkable phenomenon at that specific time and is mentioned in the Tibetan book of the dead. Therefore they have special prayers and orations to guide the from then on disconnected spirit/soul in the right direction.

      Nature has this ability. And, IMO  the yogi needs to envision this very moment of disconnect into the end of life transition, and hopefully, confidently transition over. The ability to maintain objectivity through variations of consciousness is valuable. 

      Along those lines, a new born doesn't connect fully with all the experiences of its subtle form, because his physical brain, the seat of the sensorial translator from the gross to the subtle isn't fully developed or neurally connected.

      An infant therefore has the benefit of innocence and its instruments of perception still relatively fresh, may typically be more tuned to their own psyche than their grownup  up conditioned adult versions.


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