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Astral Yoga School

Astral Yoga School

During the night of March 2, 2016, I attended one of the classes held by the decease Srila Yogeshwarananda in the astral world. He has this place where his ashram is set up. Right now as far as I know there are mostly males there and a few females who are rarely seen by anybody but the guru.


All males have individual huts. Each does a yoga practice which is tailored for his stage of practice. Every so often Srila Yogesh has a class in a larger building where he stays. This is all subtle existence, nothing physical.


In the class which I attended he was teaching about unfulfilled desires. He said this:



You may all stay here and continue practice. That is my desire. You may stay here and not take another physical body. Rest assured that it is possible to finish the austerities using the subtle body alone. The idea that one must have a physical body to complete yoga austerities is not true in all cases. Besides, if you do take a body, who will protect you? Will I? Will some other advanced teacher? Will the deity of your choice do so? Taking another material body is risky because it can go either way, where you make more advancement or where you digress significantly.


This is why I advise you to remain in the astral existence. Forego any offer for a physical body. Cordon yourself from any such birth opportunity. Of course you could go back but what will what guarantee? Can you assure me that if you return you will succeed? Can you control the global, national, local and family fates?


Desires! Desires!


Unfulfilled desires are the issue here. That is the energy which will cause you to take rebirth. Hence consider unfulfilled desires as being fulfilled desires. Digest that in meditation; that unfulfilled desires have an experience which is itself a fulfillment of desire. Failure to fulfill desires is itself an experience or a fulfillment.


That is your class assignment. Do meditation. Focus to understand the gist of this!

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