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Astral World / Questions Prohibited

It is important for yogis to understand that liberation will happen by stages (muktikrama). This means that the idea of a transition from physical to spiritual suddenly at the time of death of the physical body, is hardly likely and will not take place. The idea in idealistic religions and liberation systems, that one will suddenly at death be free from the hassles of existence, and will be shifted abruptly to a desired heavenly place, will result in abject failure and flush disappointment.

It is best to think of liberation by stages, where at the death of the physical body, when one is deprived of that tool for making history, one will go to a higher level but not to the ultimate plane of existence.

Each sect, each religious group, each liberation theology, presents some glorious end result for the follower. However, some systems, give nothing but a blank existence (nirvana/nibbana) hereafter. But even those ultimate void conditions have interim achievements which should not be ignored.

A few days ago, May 17, 2021, while doing a bhastrika pranayama breath infusion session, I was approached by an astral being, a lady whom I knew some years ago on the physical side. She is now deceased. The astral place where I met her was isolated such that unless requested, one cannot enter that place. The lady was nude. Her breasts were stiff because she was sexually aroused. Physically this person left a sixty plus year-old body, but in this astral place her breast pointed upward like those of a teenaged girl.

I was about to ask her about it, when a signal energy entered my psyche which closed my speech ability. I then remembered that it is a fault if one questions a resident of that astral level of existence.

There one is not allowed to question anyone who lives there. Usually, the questions arise because one’s mind has the reference of physical existence and feels that if something violates an approved physical method, that incidence should be censored. This attitude is prohibited there.

There is an incidence in the life of Arjuna, where when he visited the Swarga heavenly place, he challenged a request of a woman name Urvashi. The result for him was that when he returned to his physical body, he experienced the body as that of a castrated man. He questioned why Urvashi petitioned him for sexual relation. She replied by issuing a curse against his physical life.

In preparing for liberation by stages, those who do not study the conditions and regulations of the various astral planes, may regret that later, as they will not be prepared to submit to the lifestyle which is approved in those places especially if those habits are inconsistent and contradict what we are used to in the physical world.

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