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Astral Samadhi Risks

Astral Samadhi Risks (November 3, 2021)

A yogi who is deceased and whose subtle body was in a samadhi trance state in the astral existence for some years since the nineteenth century (1854), was revived from that state because Babaji felt that it was time to recall him and it was risky for him to continue, as it was likely that it would lead to his assumption of an embryonic state.

To arouse him, Babaji instructed that I infuse pranic energy into that yogi’s subtle body while doing my daily practice. After some time of my practice, after about two months, this yogi assumed objectivity from the trance condition.

Yogeshwarananda said that the yogi was near the causal plane in an astral zone where it is similar to being in the causal existence.

After the yogi was revived, he could not move. Yogeshwarananda observed the condition and put the yogi in a tadasana posture but on two feet, not one. Tadasana is done with the body supported on one foot only. Yogeshwarananda said that this yogi should remain in one posture standing on two feet for some months. Then in time his mobility will resume.

Because of the samadhi trance condition which was assumed in a tight lotus posture, this yogi’s mobility energy was disabled, such that he could not walk. He stands near the place where he assumed the samadhi in 1854. He cannot move. There is however a smile on his face. He can be communicated with through telepathy.

When I telepathically asked what name, he was addressed by, he said that he did not know because he has no memory of what happened during his life before the samadhi state. His mind draws a blank condition with no information.

He is like a newborn child. He observes my subtle body practice using bhastrika pranayama breath infusion but he does not say anything, except to smile. In the mean time some energy which I generate is infused into his body, which makes it possible for him to remain objectively conscious even though his mobility capacity is not present.

There may be an inquiry in the future as to why Babaji did not recall this person earlier, why he allowed this person to remain in that astral comatose condition for such a long time, since 1854. Now that this person resumed individual objective existence, he considers me to be his parent.

This is similar to when one assumes an embryo, then one sees the mother and father of the body as being the guardians. Those persons may not be the parents one had in the previous body and yet one will treat them as though they were.

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