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Astral Pedophilia Advocates

I happen to be present at a meeting organized by pedophilia persons who are in the process of fighting for what they perceive to be their rights to live and enjoy their needs in the present society.


One person who was recently dismissed from a News media, gave his view on the subject. He turned to me and said this:


I apologize for what I said and advocated. I understand how people were hurt by it.


My reply was:

Why apologize if your description is truthful and if it is the truth for others who have the tendencies in question. It is not a matter of apology for inborn tendencies. It is a question of being in a society where the expression of that is approved or not. Human history is checked with various moral stipulations and approved or disapproved social behaviors, according to the era, the time and place.



Will society approve of this behavior?


As to if it is right or wrong, we must first question as to whether tendencies which are natural for one life form can be wrong when we understand that all tendencies are expressions of and within the same cosmic nature which we find in such diversification with paradoxes and contradictions.


As for fighting for the rights to express a tendency. Every living being fights for its rights if it can but in some circumstances such a fight has no effectiveness because of the suppression pressures which abound.


He then said this:

We need your honest opinion. Do you think that a person who has pediophilia tendencies should suppressed those tendencies or deny that he has them even to himself?


My reply was:

I lived in a religious society where some leaders in the institute were engaged in pediophilia. These were people who had much to lose by such behavior but they could not successfully suppress the urges.


This means that those urges are so strong in some persons that even if they have to risk leadership positions, they will still expressed those feelings. This illustrates the strength of the urges.


For the purpose of inSelf Yoga the way to tackle this is to research into one’s nature to be sure this is an inborn unalterable tendency and not an urge which arose because of some other suppression.


There is an example which I know of a man who was involved in pediophilia only because he has no access to heterosexual relationship because his religious political ambitions caused him to avoid marriage to the opposite sex. He understood that as a monk if he did marry, he would lose seniority and the promise of high status in the religious organization. He therefore suppressed his sexual need for a female and instead indulged sexually with a minor male whom he supervised in a religious boarding establishment.


My question to you is this:


Are you sure that your tendency for pediophilia is not based on the suppression of some other primal urge, where that urge is the real need and where pediophilia arose only because of your having the suppress that need for one reason or the other.



Wikipedia gives this definition:


Pedophilia or paedophilia is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children.

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