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Astral Body Control

One problem with the astral body is that it is out of control. It pursues agendas without consulting the iSelf. This fault is partially due to the observing self because that iSelf is of the opinion that it should focus into the physical existence and should if anything controls the physical body and the physical world. A human being spends his/her lifespan making tiny dents in the history of the world for this good and that good in its opinion. All the while the subtle body lives in the astral existence doing things which may or may not correspond with the physical achievements.

In inSelf Yoga™ there is stress on the activities of the subtle body with requirement for de-stressing the physical form and its concerns. But Krishna gave an important hint in the Bhagavad Gita.

यं यं वापि स्मरन्भावं

त्यजत्यन्ते कलेवरम् ।

तं तमेवैति कौन्तेय

सदा तद्भावभावितः ॥८.६॥

yaṁ yaṁ vāpi smaranbhāvaṁ

tyajatyante kalevaram

taṁ tamevaiti kaunteya

sadā tadbhāvabhāvitaḥ (8.6)

yaṁ yam - whatever; vāpi = va — or + api — also; moreover; smaran — recalling; bhāvam — texture of existence; tyajaty = tyajati — abandons; ante — in the end; kalevaram - the body; taṁtam - that that; evaiti = eva - indeed + eti — is projected; kaunteya - O son of Kuntī; sadā - always; tad — that + bhāva — status of life + bhāvitaḥ — being transformed

Moreover, whatever texture of existence is recalled when a person abandons his body in the end, to that same type of life, he is projected, O son of Kuntī, always being transformed into that status of life. (Bhagavad Gita 8.6)


This is not a promising statement because it suggests that the actual interest of the subtle body which was cultivated in the physical body during the lifetime, will dominate in the subtle body when the physical form dies.

This is to be regretted because it means that if I assume a interest late in the life of a physical body, some years before its demise, that interest may not form as a habit in the subtle body. The subtle form will continue with a previous unwanted behavior during the time I spend in the hereafter. This also means that I will take the next physical body with a hell-bent attitude to again repeat that unwanted behavior.

The first step in the effort to reform the subtle body from its physical interest is to become aware of those interests. We can make assumptions about that but to be definite, we must know our dreams. We must live in a way where our psychic interest for physical life is known to us by our becoming observational in dreams.

I may regard myself as a liberated being. I may even demonstrate some enlightenment in my speech and yet, the basis and persistent interest of my subtle body may be physical existence. Like for instance, I may have an interest in building temples, or in establishing religious organizations or in having physical disciples. Hence my enlightenment would be my minor subtle interest with physical activities and things which are related to that as the major subtle concern.

On the night of Feb 17, 2020, I had an astral encounter with a friend who is a doctor. I have not seen this person physically in over fifteen years. Now and again I meet him in the subtle world.

Somehow when I saw him, and after we conversed for a while, we were transferred to the place of another friend whom I saw within the last month. We were at three buildings, two of which are owned by the friend.

Even though physically he owns two of the buildings, in the astral existence he owned also a third building which was an adjacent property. In the main building there were several people going here and there, conversing. This building was yellow colored. The other building which he owns physically now was green colored. The adjacent property was bleached wood colored as if it needed paint and was painted last many years ago. This is the building that he does not physically own even though in the astral world to his mind he owns this building as well.

My friend, the one who owns the two buildings physically appeared outside the buildings for a split second but he has a worried look on his face. He told me to show my other friend around and indicated that he was busy. None of this happened by speech. It was all telepathic. I wanted to alert him that we were in the astral existence and that he wanted to reduce his astral interest in physical life but he was not of the mind to hear that because of preoccupation with those properties.

In the astral existence if someone does not want to hear of something, it may not be expressed in any way. There is a prohibition energy which stifles a discussion.

I went into the main building with the doctor-friend. As soon as we entered, many persons were interested in him because he was a physician. Some questioned him about ailments. They wanted solutions to their health problems.

These astral encounters show that the subtle body as a whole operates in a way which may run contrary to the aspirations, desires and efforts of the person. This is why someone has to avidly cultivate dream recall and pressure the subtle body to abandon interest in physical life, because otherwise despite one’s spiritual practice the astral body will maintain its compulsive physical concerns resulting in assumption of an embryo even haphazardly as soon as the physical body reaches its end.

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