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Arrest of Focus

Yogeshwarananda explained that the use of the divine eye is based on the ability to control the willpower. However, this use of the term willpower is different to the normal meaning for the word. Willpower in its frequent usage is mental control of physical or subtle events. It is the ability execute a determined act.

When I checked the details of what Yogeshwarananda described, it was the control of the focus of the coreSelf. This is the control of the focus of the sense of identity, which is a relational connection between the coreSelf and any other subtle or physical object. In this case the object is something psychic. It could be a zone of energy, a space, an atomic dot or point, or a color which is in the mind’s energy field.

According to Yogeshwarananda the ability to maintain the focusing energy of the coreSelf on another part of the mind, or on the core itself, will result in divine eye access.

This is easier said than done because it is unnatural in our present condition for any limited being to maintain such focus for any length of time. Usually someone may begin the focus on a desired psychic location or object, but then as soon as the focus is applied, it is shattered. The person dos not shatter it, it is shattered by other energies in the mind.

The effort is to upset the shattering factor so that the focus is maintained continuously. What normally happens is that the student applies a focus and keeps it for a moment only, after which the focus is shattered and another involuntary focus begins. This new focus may be acceptable or unwanted. Regardless, the matter we are concerned with is the shift of the original focus. How did that happen? Can that be prevented? Which is the yogic discipline which curbs the mind from this shifting habit where it breaks the resolution of the yogi?

I spoke to a man recently about a topic which he eagerly inquired about. During the conversation when I explained the detailed answer, he dozed. He could no longer focus to hear what I said. Something in his mind shattered the focus. He assumed a drowsy mental condition in which there were several ideas shifting in and out, with his focus on either one being diminished.

After he dozed for four minutes, he resumed attentiveness on this physical side. But then he completely forgot our conversation. Instead, he began a new topic. He acted as if that was the conversation before. What causes this? How can a yogi deal with this?

If one cannot maintain focus in the mind space for the achievement of a divine eye, then what is the possibility of using it?

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