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Antigravity Breath Infusion (samurdhvareta pranayama)

July 21, 2018

Brahma as Hiranyagarbha inspired

There are several ways of attaining higher dimensions. The common methods, those most frequently used are the easiest. Among these are religious affiliation reinforced by pious activity which is defined by the ethnocultural orientation of the person.


Because religious affiliation is not reliable, a yogi abandons it as a refuge and practices the ashtanga yoga process which was described by Patanjali. This system was also explained by Swatmarama in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika.


A yogi does not rely on wishful thinking and positive assertions. He checks to see if the yoga process offers a definite method which could be tested before death of the body and which is not reliant on hope before the body dies and then may be proven to be a farce once the astral form can no longer use the physical body as its address.


As for the dimensions one may transit to when the physical system can no longer be used as an address for the subtle body, there is the Swargaloka astral heavenly place, the siddhaloka place and then there are a series of yet higher dimensions in which advanced yogis and deities reside with their associates. Of this higher series the brahmaloka place is paramount.


If a yogi/yogini can complete the stomach/intestines discipline (agnisara) using breath infusion and limited diet, he would reach the Swargaloka astral heavenly place. If he could achieve the same discipline and also scrap sexual interest, he would bypass that place and transit to the siddhaloka places where in association with serious aspirants and advanced teachers he would continue the yoga practice to proficiency and would not feel a pull to take rebirth through an earthly body.


The agnisara discipline is completed when the abdomen becomes drawn up where the stomach/intestines digestive complex is eradicated by using breath infusion in the subtle body to disintegrate it.


Achieving residence in the siddhaloka place is no small feat for a yogi because it saved him/her from the risk of taking a haphazard rebirth through a physical species. The preferred species is the human one, but there is no guarantee of that because the history shows that great yogis may be drawn into an animal parent body which is lower than human.


To achieve brahmaloka a yogi must complete the agnisara austerities to remove the stomach/intestines complex in the subtle body. He must also complete the antigravity pull up of energies in the subtle form. This allows that the yogi’s subtle body is no longer earthbound. It no longer responds to the gravitational pull of planet earth or to any other similar location which is a physical hub.



This action of antigravity is felt during breath infusion, where the yogi during kapalabhati/bhastrika breath infusion feels the subtle cellular energy being pulled up through the subtle body into the head of it. Normally as nature gave the body, everything is being pulled downwards to the center of the earth. This is both a physical and psychic reality. However by breath infusion, a yogi can reverse this where the energy is continuously being pull up from all parts of the psyche.


The Sanskrit terminology for this is samurdhvareta (complete upward pull of hormones). The normal achievement is urdhvareta which means upwards (urdhva) goes the sexual hormones (reta). In the complete upward pull of the hormonal releases from each cell everything is pulled upwards away from the earth’s gravity.


Initially the yogi is concerned with the reproductive fluids. When those are reformed where they go upwards through the sushumna central passage into the head of the subtle body, the yogi become concerned with the secretions of the individual cells, so that these energies are no longer oriented to the reproductive functions but instead go directly up through the subtle body into the head of the form, even from the lowest parts of the standing body which are the feet.


These verses are from the Hatha Yoga Pradipika:


ब्रह्मादयो|अपि त्रिदशाः पवनाभ्यासतत्पराः | अभूवन्नन्तकभयात्तस्मात्पवनमभ्यसेत् || ३९ ||


brahmādayo|api tridaśāḥ pavanābhyāsa–tatparāḥ | abhūvannantaka–bhayāttasmātpavanamabhyaset || 39 ||


brahmādayo = brahmā (creator–god Brahmā) + ādayo (ādayāḥ) (and other supernatural rulers), api – specifically, tridaśāḥ – thirty prominent deities, pavanābhyāsa – practice of breath-infusion, tatparāḥ – fully devoted, abhūvan – became, antaka – of death, in the end, bhayāt – due to fear, tasmāt – thus, pavanam – breath-infusion, abhyaset – should practice


Due to the fear of death, creator-god Brahma and other supernatural rulers, specifically the thirty prominent deities, are fully devoted to the practice of breath-infusion. Thus one should practice it. (Hatha Yoga Pradipika 2.39)


यावद्बद्धो मरुद– द्देहे यावच्चित्तं निराकुलम् | यावद्दृष्टिर्भ्रुवोर्मध्ये तावत्कालभयं कुतः || ४० ||


yāvadbaddho marud–dehe yāvaccittaṁ nirākulam | yāvaddṝṣṭirbhruvormadhye tāvatkāla–bhayaṁ kutaḥ || 40 ||


yāvad = yāvat = so long, baddho = baddhaḥ = yogically controlled within, marud = marut = lifeforce, dehe – in the body, yāvac = yāvat = so long, cittaṁ – mento–emotional energy, nirākulam – calm, yāvad = yāvat = so long, dṝṣṭir = dṝṣṭiḥ = perception interest, bhruvor = bhruvoḥ = eyebrows, madhye – between, tāvat – so long, kāla – time approaching with death, bhayaṁ – fear, kutaḥ – why


As long as the lifeforce is yogically controlled in the body, as long as the mento–emotional energy remains pacified therein, as long as the perception interest is pinned between the eyebrows, why would there be fear because of time approaching with death. (Hatha Yoga Pradipika 2.40)

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