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Ancestral Appreciation

The father of my current body, summoned my astral body to his astral residence to express appreciation for my contribution to his forebears. A sibling of mine, an elder, was in the astral house cleaning, while I was in the area around the building sweeping debris.


The father then said to both of us that he appreciated how we helped the family, even though he himself was unable to render the type of services which I and that sibling gave.


Right then, just after he said this, he turned to me astrally and said that it was his fault that I did not get the inheritance from him which was his seamanship skills. To his view, a father should transmit cultural skills to his son (s), so that he can derive a sufficient income to upgrade the social condition of the family.


I then got a flash message from Lord Krishna which said this:


It is presence not skill or property



That meant that the presence and interest of the father is the preferred inheritance which the father should bestow on his son(s), not his social skill or financial means. If a yogi absorbed the social skills and financial means from the ancestors then it means that his or her yoga process will be impeded. But if he or she gets the presence and interest of the parents, that is has a neutral charge which will not negatively impact the desire for yoga progress which that ascetic brings in the subtle body from the past life.



If I had absorbed my father’s skill, by now I would be a wealthy shipman. That is not a yoga achievement. Money itself, lots of it, have an influence which ruins the mission of a yogi or a yoga institution.

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