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Tools for inSelf Yoga Series-6: Yogic Energy from Yogi Madhvacharya's books

Even though they are analytical, some of the genres are interlinked. Eg: Nadi, Chakra, Kundalini, Higher conscious states → all are linked.

This is the master database of all Tools for the inSelf Yoga Series

October 31st, 2022

Houston, Texas

This is at most the highest and subtlest tool of all the Tools for the inSelf Yoga Series. Of course, I need a habit-tracking app to force this habit of reading his books.

3 Influences:

Everything in this world and all astral worlds until Brahmaloka are filled with 3 types of influence energy:

  1. Sattvic Energy (Clarifying energy)
  2. Rajas Energy (Passionate & Impulsive Energy)
  3. Tamas Energy (Depressive & retarding energy)

Moods, foods, energy, charity, austerities, actions, everything falls under these 3 influences (Sattvic, Rajas & Tamas), which are also one of the foundations of the Sankhya philosophy. Krishna explains this in great detail in Bhagavad Gita and Uddhava Gita.

4th Influence

Having stated these 3 influences, there is a 4th influence that is beyond these 3 influences (Sattvic, Rajas & Tamas). These 3 influences (Sattvic, Rajas & Tamas) are innate properties or DNA of the material nature (subtle & gross).

The 4th influence belongs to Paramatmas (unlimited beings) like Krishna, Buddha, and Shiva.

4th influence can be felt from time to time, one such experience I felt was during a visit to a Buddhist temple.

4th influence will be independent of these 3 influences, it will be acccoding to Krishna's will/ influence or Buddha's will, or Shiva's will.

All of Yogi Madhvacharya's books belong to this category of 4th influence:

  1. Bhagavad Gita, Uddhava Gita, Anu Gita - Krishna's Energy & influence
  2. Hatha Yoga Prathipika - Shiva's Influence
  3. Invision 15, Sex you & other books - Buddha's Energy
  4. All Invision Books- Madhva & several other yogi's energy which fall under these Paramatma's influence

 All of Madhva's books are either in 4th influence or the least in Sattvic influence (clarifying).

This is the energy, one's psyche has to consume. But forced to consume media or other materialistic energy from people are others, the psyche has an appetite for such lower tendencies. This will change gradually in time with consumption of 4th influnce. 


Application of 4th influence:

All of Madhva's books contain 4th influence, now how do apply it in the day-to-day?

  1. On a long day of activity or work, when the psyche is completely filled with lower grades of materialistic energy, his books act like a strong tonic to boost the spiritual practice and reduce the materialistic influence.
  2. I have taken the energy from his books in the most trying situations to push my practice.
  3. Before going to practice every day, I will randomly read some pages on Gita or other books and jump into practice. The idea is to suckle the energy and keep diving deep into the practice and to reduce the materialistic disturbances in my psyche.


Are these the only books with 4th influence?

No, every lineage or sect has its own scriptures or books which contain similar 4th influences which is in line with their sadhanas or practices. 

Thirumoolar showed me the 12 Tirumurai books bundled in red cloth (12 holy books in the Tamil language for Shaivite (Shiva worshippers) Hindus from that region) in the subtle side when I visited that temple.




64 saints (Nayanamars) who were Shaivite saints during the 6-10th century AD, were present on the astral side in that temple hall in their 64 idols and announced "Yes, we are here" and some let me know they were standing there astrally.

They contributed to those 12 holy books (Thirumurai). They alerted me to look towards the book, the book bundled in red cloth as shown above was astrally burning in a fiery flame and the flame energy radiation can be felt in my face at a distance of 4-6 feet away. I was given access to see those books in astral side. I have read those books and the sufficient energy for their followers' practice was left behind in them.

Subtle Side of the books:

Same way, Madhva's book has similar energy for the inSelf Yoga practice.

Several times, I have read

  1. what was not written
  2. encrypted in those texts
  3. between the lines

The text appeared several layers above the page or tablet screen and each layer was revealing itself.

I would be reading thinking it was part of the book or page. And sometimes when I go back and search those lines or words again, it would not appear. Then insight dawns that it was in several layers of subtle energy embedded in it which was guiding like an auto-pilot system with respect to each one's psyche evolution. 

Or sometimes, when I see the text for some time, the answers come from the book's energy. The energy is dynamic and it can auto-pilot or auto-respond to one's queries or when the time is ripe, it will reveal itself.

I have done this in several books during my school days too, when the truthful seeking from the heart shines, all hidden has to be revealed. If I have impulsive or ill intentions, it won't work, at least for me.

Every book, text, or email has a subtle side, when the psyche is spiritually evolved, one can read what was intended and composed originally in subtle realms clearly by simply looking at the physical version (or even without the physical version). 

The physical side always has limitations, they are both healthy and unhealthy. 

Physical versions are constrained by what to publish and what not to publish, censorship, and fear of reproach, resentment, and danger of misinterpretations from the public. But the author's original energy and text loaded in the subtle side of the physical copy can be fully accessed and used for one's spiritual evolution. 

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