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Agnisāra Series-3: Agnisāra Fire Blast on Heavily Polluted Intestines

Agnisāra is a Sanskrit compound consisting of the terms agni and sāra (सार).

Agni means Fire, sāra means essence or substance

Agnisāra means the essence of fire, a classical hatha yoga technique. 


This is the Master database of all my writings

Even though they are analytical, some of the genres are interlinked. Eg: Nadi, Chakra, Kundalini, Higher conscious states → all are linked.


This is a direct sequel to 

January 2021, Chennai, India

4:30 - 5 am IST


At his point in my life, I was forced and put in a circumstance where I have to consume food outside in a restaurant every day. No access to the kitchen, utensils, or home food.

Continuous pollution and continuous cleansing:

Every day as I consume the food, my stomach becomes like concrete and I could not even move. Still, I would do the practice day and night. As it forms, I break the polluted energy and again it forms. It is a very difficult situation both outside and inside the psyche or subtle body.




Agnisara Fire:

As the pollution happens, I was employing Agnisara fire to cleanse the pollutants. (as shown in the picture).

Agnisāra fire is created by churning and compressing the subtle energy with prana (breath energy) using mystic force and asanas (poses). I write in the coming posts about the Agnisara fire.





This Process Flowchart shows how Agnisara breaks down the pollutants to clear and light intestinal mass:





Agnisara Stomach Blast thrown away: 

One of the nights, I consumed Mushroom Masala. Mushroom does not go well with my body. This oily and spicy mushroom was lethal to my digestion system (no idea about the quality of what mushroom, oil, and spices combination was used), and this created this gigantic dense polluted intestine as shown above.

In the morning 4:30 am, when I employed Agnisara (in the combination with Front Kundalini), it blasted the polluted intestine mass and threw me off by 4-5 away, and left me unconscious.

My dad woke up hearing the thundering sound and shook me for a few minutes till I came back to consciousness. My head, shoulder, and pelvic bones hit the wall and ground so hard. It swoll momentarily. I was lucky because there was a nail in the wall, I missed it from hitting the head by a few inches.

Agnisāra Fire Blast Intensity ∝ Density of Pollutants in Intestines

(Agnisara Blast intensity is directly proportional to the Density of Pollutants in Intestines)


The intensity of the Agnisara Stomach Blast→ Horizontal fall:

  1. Usually, in spinal kundalini, the unconscious state will happen when kundalini blasts in the head, here it happened in the stomach.
  2. The blast in the stomach was so intense that thru a Nadi it hit the head also, I realized it after a few days.
  3. The blast in the stomach was like a flying kick on the stomach. Huge explosion was heard from the stomach and then I became euncnoicuous 
  4. This was due to the intensity of pollutants being broken down.
  5. The pollutant was so strong from that Mushroom Masala that the energy release from the breakdown just threw me off 4-5 ft away and left me unconscious for 3-4 mins till my dada woke me up.
  6. The body falls vertically down on the other kundalini, the body flew horizontally for a few feet and then fell down.
  7. So, please take caution. It is better if one does not have any sharp objects or nails on the wall around the practitioner. 

Switch on the volume while viewing the video. 



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