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Tīrtha Series - 4a: Astral Arunachaleshwara Temple & Who is Ramana?

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Definition of tīrtha:

tirtha, (Sanskrit: “crossing” or “river ford”) in Hinduism, a holy river, mountain, or other place made sacred through association with a deity or saint.

taken from: https://www.britannica.com/topic/tirtha

Definition of Sacred:

  1. dedicated or set apart for the service or worship of a deitydevoted exclusively to one service or use (as of a person or purpose)
  2. worthy of religious venerationentitled to reverence and respect

taken from: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/sacred




November 25, 2021, Chennai, India

3:30 pm IST


I was sleeping on the sofa in the afternoon. In the past few days/ months, I was reading about Ramana Mahrishi and I was seeing some of his black & white pictures taken back in the day. I was intuitively checking those pictures if I was there in one of them. My whimsical interest and some questions I had previously were hidden in the subtle body which led to some of the astral encounters. 


Astrally, I was a 6-8 years old child running around an old man fully shaved (as shown in the picture). The sky was very clear and white and he was sitting in front of a dwajasthamabam (Temple flag post, as shown below).


As a child, I was wondering who he is (not knowing it is Ramana, but he looks like shaved Ramana). Like children sometimes don't recognize their dads when they remove their beard.


Then a lady came to me (as shown in the picture) and she held my hand and took me towards him. She said. ask him, he is also an advanced yogi like Ramana, he knows everything about Ramana. I was scratching my head.


I went and stood in front of the old man (thinking he is look-alike Ramana and who else it could be, still not recognizing him).





Ramana said, "Ask" (without moving lips, a psychic message sent in the astral realm).


I asked 2 questions:

  1. Who is Ramana? (embedded inside that question is, is he the Bhagvan (Ultimate Lord) ?, his followers call him "Bhagwan" )
  2. Ramana answered the embedded question.
  3. He pointed to the sky and showed several astral levels quickly and was mentioning the names of each plane, starting with 'Mahar......", I never grasped the names of those places.
  4. Then, he went to a higher place and he said that's where I am from.
  5. I am one step below Bhagwan, Krishna is higher than me. I am just one step below him.
  6. That's his residing place. (this implied that he is not Bhagwan nor interested in being called bhagwan as his followers call him)

Ramana said to ask another question:

  1. Who were? bla ...bla blaaseg aegsaegf giberrish....
  2. I could not complete this question.
  3. He psychically went inside my head and did not let me ask that silly question.
  4. I was trying to complete it, but my tongue, and lips were wobbiling and spoke gibberish. 
  5. The question was who he was at his previous birth. Were you Skanda? (I was trying to recollect this info inside my head but Ramana stopped that question before I spoke it)



Then, the lady behind me and asked me to go to Ramana. I jumped on him and rubbed his cheek for 2-3 minutes and kissed him all over his face and he also kissed and rubbed his cheeks for a long time, embracing each other like grandpa and grandchild. The lady then took a photograph thru her camera (a 1930s camera). A photograph has no value there but my whimsical interest took me there and did childish stupid things.






The lady was very affectionate, she was like a motherly figure. She held my hand and then took me to another sadhu in the same temple premise.


Second Sadhu:


She said to go to that sadhu, he also knows everything about Ramana.


I asked him "Who is Ramana? "

He smiled and said he is a very very advanced yogi, pointing his finger to the sky.


Then again and jumped and embraced him for a very very long time, hugging, rubbing his cheeks, and kissing him.


He was a having a body of 30-35-year-old muscular man, shoulder-length long hair, a very big beard till his tummy. I was wondering who he was but never thought of asking him, more interest was to know who Ramana was from him.


Then the lady took a photograph of us and left me with him.




He held my hand and we were going around, waiting under a shade under the Arunachal hill till the rain stopped.

Then, he astrally took me instantly from Arunachala hill (southern India) to Kashi (northern India).


There he showed several instances of Sadhus (Ascetics) walking around Kashi astrally.


4 ascetics were jumping and playing in the Kumbhmela ( where rivers: Ganga, Yamuna, and Sarasvati meet). He had holy ash all over his body. He was going into the river slowly and his head came out and he winked both eyes with a smile (mouth was underwater but a smile can be seen in his eyes) and the eyes twinkled before completely going into the water completely.


Astral instances of Kashi seen, there were not so many people as shown in the picture below when I saw, they were 4-5 sadhus wandering.


Lens and lores- The New Indian Express


I woke up and recorded this astral projection instance.


I spoke with Madhva to confirm this, he said it was Ramana (till then I was calling him a look-alike of Ramana, lack of clear intuition) and he yelled at me for disturbing such a great sadhu with whimsical questions and silly interests. Madhva was scolding me and asked how I was elevated by merely meeting him, and what was the instruction or technique Ramana or other sadhu gave during the meet. HE asked me to curb this interest in pestering sadhus and roaming temple to temple. 


With fear, I asked who was the second sadhu before keeping the call, he said it was Nisargadatta Maharaj. I was shocked, astrally Nisargadatta is a very strong muscular man with a beard and long hair compared to some pictures I have seen in his past life in this physical world. 


Nisargadatta Maharaj - Wikipedia

Nisargadatta Maharaj - Advaita Fellowship


The whole astral encounter was very sober, calm, and slow. There is no excitation energy in that dimension. 

Replies (2)
    • Aniroodh Sivaraman

      The Hindi/Sanskrit word sadhu, what does it mean?

      Are all the persons shown in the procession of men above sadhus?

      Who is a sadhu?

      One way to look at this is if one sees a photo of a procession of people in China, what question would it be?

      Are all those persons Chinese?

      Then what does chinese mean?

      People with black hair, pajama pants and wooden shoes?

      And are all such people computer engineers?

      • Michael Beloved 

        1. The Hindi/Sanskrit word sadhu, what does it mean?

        Sadhu (SanskritसाधुIASTsādhu (male), ādhvī or sādhvīne (female)), also spelled saadhu, is a religious ascetic, mendicant or any holy person in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism who has renounced the worldly life.They are sometimes alternatively referred to as yogi, sannyasi or vairagi

        The term sadhu (Sanskrit: साधु) appears in Rigveda and Atharvaveda where it means "straight, right, leading straight to goal"


        2. Who is a sadhu?

        Sadhu means one who practices a 'sadhana' or keenly follows a path of spiritual discipline. Although the vast majority of sādhus are yogīs, not all yogīs are sādhus. A sādhu's life is solely dedicated to achieving mokṣa (liberation from the cycle of death and rebirth), the fourth and final aśrama (stage of life), through meditation and contemplation of Brahman. 

        3. Are all the persons shown in the procession of men above sadhus?

        May or may not be.

        4. One way to look at this is if one sees a photo of a procession of people in China, what question would it be?

        • Are all those persons Chinese?
        • Then what does chinese mean?
        • People with black hair, pajama pants and wooden shoes?
        • And are all such people computer engineers?

        I have heard lot of people who could not pay back loans ran away and hid in Kashi wearing saffron robes, such infiltration is also common. 

        Yes, appearances of holy ash all over the body and roaming naked gives a first instance that they could be ascetic but they need not be.

        Just like a how a lay man can wear doctor's white coat and roam and it is very common to mistake that he is a doctor at first glance. He need not be doctor, he might be a chemist, pharmisicist or even the teenager wearing his dad's white coat and dry cleaner guy wearing it for fun.


        So, judging based on appearances  or robes can be deciving, agreed.

        Even if it is naked and living a miserable life is still need not be ascetic life if it lacked ascetic or liberation motive or vairagya.

        If that condition is motivated by misfortune or lethargy or disorientedness, like we see several folks sleeping under the bridge, it should not be taken as ascetic life. It is like saying someone who wears big glasses might be scientist and a doctor coat would be a doctor. 

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