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Tīrtha Series - 3: Buddha Temple & Pulsating Twin Naad Nodes

June 4, 2022, Houston, Texas, USA

Definition of tīrtha:

tirtha, (Sanskrit: “crossing” or “river ford”) in Hinduism, a holy river, mountain, or other place made sacred through association with a deity or saint.

taken from: https://www.britannica.com/topic/tirtha

Definition of Sacred:

  1. dedicated or set apart for the service or worship of a deitydevoted exclusively to one service or use (as of a person or purpose)
  2. worthy of religious venerationentitled to reverence and respect

taken from: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/sacred



 Here is the link to Tirtha Series Master Database


On this day, I was on temple hop going around all Buddhist temples in the Houston city area. I searched temples near me, thinking of Hindu Temple but it looks like there are a lot of Buddhist temples than Hindu temples. So, I thought let's do a Buddhist temple hop this time with my wife.b4tgyzskzswctjymnaxcz5rtkq7jnkxr.png


Sri Avalokiteshvara:


I went to Vietnamese Buddhist Center. There is a huge statue of bodhisattva Sri Avalokiteshvara at the entrance of the temple. Filled with lots of lotus flowers with a small man-made lake and bridge. Sri Avalokiteshvara's energy is pervasive, you can feel it once you enter the compound of the temple. It dampens and moistens all the restless energy in the psyche and makes it very calm.


Vietnam Buddhist Center | Texas Time Travel


Stone Inscriptions:


Buddha's life is inscribed outside the temple on big stones, it is a beautiful view. I picked a hint there when I looked at one of the stones, the secret lies in "his seat". He took a vow that he would never abandon that seat whatever may come until he gets an answer to liberation, let it be rain, storm, wind, but that seat will be abandoned. Buddha anchored heavily on "his seat", there is more of a subtle aspect to this.


Inside Buddha Temple:


This is a magnificent temple. The energy is pretty strongly felt. I roamed around to see the walls and the place and then I went too close to see the Buddha.




Then, I sat in a straight line from Buddha, Sri Avalokiteshvara (a small statue with many hands in front of big buddha stature) like 15 ft away and started meditation.


 You can't do breath infusion in a public place like that. 

So, usual meditation drill, nothing new.

  1. Settled in Padmasana (Lotus posture)
  2. Located naad and anchored in it from Core-self
  3. tried to stay in Naad zone

Beautiful rare things happened:

  1. First time without breath infusion, I anchored into a naad node readily
  2. Naad Node was alternating outside my right ear and came inside my subtle head
  3. I can see this shift of naad node inside & outide my head as smoothly and how the sense of identity and core-self are interacting with it.
  4. After every 3-4 minutes, naad were pulsating as shown in picture.
  5. I coined this word after pulsating twin stars (some pictures of binary star/ pulstaing twin star systems in appendix at the end)
  6. The naad node was like a fire ball powering another fire ball and were alternating with each other by size, brightness, and intensity. (pic below)
  7. It is the most sublime experience I ever had without any exertion from my side


I have drawn the pulsating naad node pictures of my experience. I came up with the name "twin pulsating naad nodes" while publishing this article here, that's one of the reasons writing is better than storing in the head itself as an abstract experience.


Smaller naad node becomes bigger and larger Naad node becomes smaller, they were connected to each other and powering each other as shown in the picture. They were like alternating with brightness, size, and power intensity. They were like alternating twins with a lot of pulsations (like fireballs)






Buddha's Voice:


Then a voice came into my head, intially I had a confusion whose voice it was? Whether it was Sri Avoliteshvara or Buddha.


Then understanding the energy behind it, a stern male voice with a coating of love and concern, it was Gautama Buddha's voice.


This is what he said: 


        You will surely hit the target, sit here!               

     You will surely hit the target, sit here! 

       Do not leave the seat!

     Do not worry, sit here, do not leave!

       Have no doubt!

     You will definitely hit the target! For Sure!

       Have no doubt!

     Be here! Meditate here!

       Do not leave the post!


The voice and energy came directly from Buddha's statue to me, we were in a straight line.


By this time, the padmasana fully blossomed, and the spine was rooted like a tree.

My ankles slowly started to pain after 20-30 minutes, but counter energy from Buddha did not remove the pain, the pain was there and was not bothering me, felt like a happy tree there.


The target or goal, I had in mind was liberation obviously, what else do you go and ask buddha for?


Felt like I could be there forever, that's when I started picking up all the thoughts of everyone. 

My wife wanted me to keep going and was issuing a hurry or restless energy into my psyche.

Later on, a family of 4 came to chant some "Buddham Sangham Dachami" and they were waiting for some time to finish my meditation, so they can start their chant. They were beaming another restless energy.


All these energies were enough to get me going from that place.


When I moved out of the compound, the energy in the place was so penetrating that the pratyahara (sensual withdrawal) was so strong, that I could pick up thoughts and views of people who are within a 100 m radius.


A mother and her kids were playing, I took my car near the temple. She saw me from far away and I did not even see her, the thoughts of her came strking me

  • "Who he is, hmm"
  • "Kids are playing there"
  • Scanning or curiously checking us out, I can see her scan energy hitting on my face like someone smashed a cake on your face

Her thought and her view hit me like an arrow and it hurt

You get very sensitive that any thought directed towards you, will start hurting.


Quickly, after 20 more minutes, I have to downgrade myself to the earth dimension, being in that state and being around people is not easy. The thoughts from others can torment your head quickly. I was closing my ears and driving away quickly. I was walking like a dead man with no outward energy pouring from my body, it took some time to comeback to this dimension.


After coming home that night:


My mouth was chanting "Aum Sri Avoliteshvaraya Namaha" non-stop in half sleep.

I closed my mouth, my subtle body was oozing that chant through the oral cavity like you blow air without any muscle or bone movement with Avoliteshvara chant.


The monks have deposited so much energy in that compound that I have absorbed it into my body.

In the next few weeks, every morning I will be hearing "Tattagatha" non-stop and my mouth will be automatically chanting and push me to practice breath infusion again.


This is one such rare experience of naad and a tirth experience.




These are some twin pulsating star images from internet (just for refernce), I have learnt them, so I coined this Naad experince from this Astronmical event. 

Binary Star Systems: Classification and Evolution | Space

A new way to spot black holes in binary star systems | Astronomy.com

First of its kind 'teardrop' star pulses with its own rhythm

Replies (4)
    • Very Nice sharing! Great stuff!The whole stretch there in Houston is focused on Eastern Religious sites.It is great! And your experience related above is out of this world, literally! 

      • interesting experiences

        wonder what a temple resident would say about it?

        great diagrams about naad nodes

        • Thanks for sharing!

          What would a temple resident say about it?

          Well I can make a few remarks from my talks with others.  In the courtyard at the Chaiya Meditation Monastery in Las Vegas there is a Ganesha statue off  in a corner.  I mentioned this to my teacher and he said no one consulted him and he didn't know how it got there.  One of the monks told me that another monk who used to sweep and water plants in the evenings, had many dreams of the elephant deity.

          Also I visited a Vietnamese temple in Davie, Florida a couple of times.  The temple hall was smaller than the Houston temple you visited, but otherwise it was very similar.  I inquired about programs and all they offered to the public consisted of chanting.  They said it was very powerful and that you reached concentration through chanting.  One time I had the good luck to meet the head of the temple, who appeared to be a lay man as he was not wearing any specific robe or uniform.  I inquired about meditation and he was knowledgable but their main discipline is group chanting, in unison, for long periods. 

          Deities are acknlowledged by all schools of Buddhism, but the relationship to deities as well as the status awarded to them, differs.

          In Theravada Buddhism, we are recommended to just note any visions or sounds and not dwell on it. For those seeking liberation, the siddhi powers are not to be displayed or pursued.  Rather, one should not grasp the experience in any way but instead look to see how it is impermanent, unsatisfactory due to inconstancy, and not comprised of a permanent self.

          What you relayed about the voice of the Buddha is great!  The Buddha vowed to not get up from his seat beneath the bodhi tree, until he either died or attained freedom.  And it is stressed greatly by all Buddhists to sit still, not moving, internalize the mind and see the true nature of things.  

          So, go for it! It seems to have been a really auspicious visit.  

          • Beautiful response, thanks for the insight!

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