Comment to 'Existential Hibernation'
  • A person going into samadhi does not necessarily remain on the higher plane which he/she reached during the trance state. More than likely, that person will come to a lower level and find himself/herself on a lower plane when the samadhi fizzes out. We experience this already where after meditation, the mind resumes an ordinary level of consciousness and tries to resume whatever behavior or tasks it had before entering the meditation.

    A deceased yogi who goes into samadhi may find himself to be a developing embryo after going into a long samadhi where he did not wake up in the subtle world after the high end of the samadhi ended. Sometimes a man who is physically conscious dozes off. When he awakens, he may find that his body was moved from where he left it and he is in another place. Similarly, going into samadhi while in the deceased state could naturally result in waking up as an embryo. It is the natural way because the kundalini will point the psyche in the direction of rebirth because that is its natural tendency.

    Samadhi is an effortless spontaneous linkage to higher consciousness but all the same, if and when it comes to an end, the person’s psyche would resume its natural attraction and if that attraction is to rebirth or to a potential mother, that is what will happen.

    In regards to objectivity, it is objectivity to the self. If a yogi is in a samadhi trance state where he loses objectivity, even then his perpetual condition as a subjective being will be there but that prevents his exercise of any objective control.

    • Extraordinary explanation! It shows the importance of kundalini purification.

      Then the natural question is:

      Without kundalini purification, entering Samadhi or higher trance could lead to rebirth in a subtle state.

      1. Then why does one take such a big risk of entering into samadhi in a subtle world?
      2. what is the importance of it?
      3. Samadhi stops the mind's vrittis (fluctuations), does it also helps in purifying kundalini?




      • Without kundalini purification, entering Samadhi or higher trance could lead to reappearance or manifestation in a subtle state or it could cause physical rebirth as a baby.

        One may take such a big risk of entering into samadhi in a subtle world, because one has no choice in the matter if one practices yoga and one loses a physical body and is left only with a subtle one?

        Samadhi does not necessarily stop the mind’s vrittis but it may do so on occasion. During samadhi the kundalini will do its utmost to resume the vrittis. It may do this with or without the permission of the observing self.

        The key issue is the objectivity of the observing self. If it loses objectivity, there is no telling what will happen as to where it will become aware of itself again. It could be here or there or up or down or in or out which include waking up as a trapped form in an animal’s abdomen.