Comment to 'Migration'
Comment to Migration
  • That is a whole study or course in yoga, which each yogi has to tackle all by himself/herself.

    The whole thing is mysterious!

    Previously in the time of kings, someone would be punished by having to stand continuously for hours or by having to walk on a brick road with bare feet for some time.

    If he attempted to relax, he was struck grievously. He had to keep going. Apparently, this happened to some captives during World War 2, when the Germans had forced marches for the Jews and others whom the Germans considered to be unwanted.

    Similarly, when the coreSelf gets the idea that it should have a residence somewhere and that it should set itself up comfortably somewhere, as soon as it builds this habitat, the nature alters everything and forces it to move on by taking away the said building or residence, which is actually a body which the coreSelf, mistakes itself to be. Hence this self is a nomad searching for water in this vast dessert of the natural world.

    Somebody took a body in Venezuela with the hope that things would work out there. But then that plan was demolished. He heard about the glories of the developed country called the USA. That became his new objective, his greener grass on the other side. Thus, he was force on again to go to another place. He is my friend, my fellow nomad.


    • Several animals species have developed (Nature!) internal original natural GPS system that assist them in migrating outstanding distances (by land, air or water) across the globe.

      They do this for the same reason as their human counterparts, for "greener pastures". And, humans too have been on the move across the planet since our times in the first cave dwellings.

       "Migration is our history, psychic migration not the physical movement of bodies." So true! Our main purpose for InSelf Yoga is to migrate to better and higher realms that will be conducive to continued practice. All other religions practices also advocate relocation to paradisiac environments, in the hereafter.

      Reaching for improved conditions or better positions seems to be an essential component of any psyche, including plant life form’s. But humans at times miscalculate the possibilities/ opportunities for prosperous locations, and can have their plans turned up side down.

      That happens here-now, and also hereafter! Once there, it does happen that one realizes that their aspirations (projections and hopes) are totally missed. And the search/ hankering continue for evermore.