Comment to 'Night Electricity Panels'
  • Aniroodh Sivaraman,

    Science is a development from primitive accomplishments beginnning with instruments like flint knives and rock missiles. It is the result of focusing on utilizing what was found in the environment. Each successive generation tries to integrate the previous one and go further, 

    In our time, it seems that within each generation the same group of scientists colaborate and outperform themselves. Their focus is external to the psyche and for this many spiritualists redicule them. I admire them.

    There are some examples of yogis who excelled, like for instance, Hiranyakashipu. He outperformed everyone in the practice of pranayama breath infusion, to such a degree that Brahma the creatorGod praised him and admitted his genius and flat out determination.

    Yogis should excel on the internal practice, on what is in the psyche, just as scientists focus on the external practice, on what is exterior to the psyche.

    We have to study material nature from the inside, just as they study it from the exterior.

    Just as science is defined as history proceeds, so yoga will be defined as the ascetics take it seriously and file exploration reports.

    In addition, perhaps the person who showed how to do this is Gautam Buddha. His research and conclusions are in the Pali canon literature. The details are simply astonishing. It puts to shame most other silent and pretensive yogis.

    • Thanks for this post, it shows clearly your expectations once again. 

      Comparative analysis of the benefits of:

      S.No. Science Benefits Yoga Benefits
      1 Western Countries' domination over others Core-self domination over adjuncts   
      2 Reduces the physical trauma Reduces mento-emotional trauma
      3 Translocate tension from physical to mental Translocate tension from mental to causal 
      4 Translocate gross body from point A to B Translocate one's subtle body to higher realms 

       Corresponding to the above table of benefits to respective subjects of study (below) 

      S.No. Science Subjects Yogic Subjects
      1 Geo-socio-economic-politics Inself Yoga (Atma Yoga) over adjuncts
      2 Technology & Ergonomics (Eg: Tractors) Kriya-Kundalini Yoga
      3 Computational Science (simple to complex) Kriya-Buddhi Yoga
      4 Transportation & Logistics (Amazon, flights) Kundalini Yoga (Association with Deity, Gurus


                     Modern Science has found extraordinary success in all these domains listed from 1 to 4. Each Subject was carefully taken, studied, specialized, and constantly evolving to beat their own records. In the same way, Yogic subjects listed above should be rigorously studied to adapt to modern challenges not just to Vedic time challenges.

                     All this has happened in only 100-250 years in the last 2000 years (from the Christ era) on this planet, so I cautiously state this rigorous scientific approach & methodology used in modern science are the best in this dimension at this point in time.   

                     This approach can be cross-applied to yoga or any other field of study, that is how sister sciences like Bio-Chemistry, Electro-Chemistry, Marine-chemistry, Quantum-chemistry, etc branched out from the mother subject Chemistry. 

                      Not just the rigorous approach; publishing, journaling, and sharing made Science grow exponentially during Newton's era (1643-1727), ever since he started (even before him, scientists did, but he was the big guy) writing letters to fellow scientists across Europe, challenging with puzzles, results, and exchanging ideas. The Fellow Royal Society of Science in London become the buzzing spot of sharing, journaling, and publishing results. That's how science grew, without sharing and publishing science would have become one of the conspiracy theories and topics of speculation, that mysticism has sadly become today. 

      Buddha and Madhvacharya are the epithets of Newton and Einstein in the modern era of Yoga.   

      Yoga should also be progressive like science, should not become a lake but instead a flowing perennial river.

      By the way, interesting fact: while reading Introduction to Quantum Mechanics by Griffiths, I stumbled across that Einstein was also a hardcore Realist. Other big scientists took an orthodox or Agnostic stance, they were not completely wrong but history knows whose theories and works stand and answer the test of time & rigors of modern research (Realist views, others failed).