Comment to 'The Conservative Right: How It All Began'
  • This deserves a bigger title, and using words, I’d say something like: The Creation of Fox News Channel, the American propaganda machine.

    I initially skipped through, but as I did, I realized that this documentary deserved to be watched fully in spite of being so lengthy for my availability.

    It’s a very granular exposition on the times we are living in on the sociopolitical level, how it all germinated and now is grand as on steroids, especially considering the addition of social media (and as exploited by Trumpism).

    Now even the Supreme Court is taken over! So effectively as was unraveling before our eyes, the institutions as the conscientiously crafted legacy of the forefathers were being woefully sabotaged, as with a baseball bat. So now one needs to factor in the phenomenon of homegrown terrorism and a rise of civil war (it won’t look like the last one though)

    Chaos and anarchy seem on the trajectory as millions of Americans or around ¾ of the Republicans party, the only other major party in the nation, has joined ranks with alternative facts and conspiracy theories.

    We are liable to brainwashing unless we unplug and believe in ascension through our own mental processes and derived life experiences with critical thinking. Otherwise, religiosity, cultism and most other isms are pitfalls.

    Voltaire said: “If you can make them believe in absurdities, then you can make them do atrocities!” So this can and this is how one of the most advanced societies of its time, Germany turned into one of the cruelest ones, nearly overnight! You can see how such is possible by watching this documentary.

    A powerful depiction of what is going on around us and also get an insight as to its beginnings. I believe that, from instinct, many are repeat lifetimes of the original settlers.

    Ultimately, the mind is a sponge ready to absorb according to its environment and predisposition, but there is always great flexibility.

    For a species to think that it deserves better than the primitive law of the survival of the fittest or more harmonious and civilized societies seems to be a pipe dream, when they are overwhelmingly ignorant of what they are, by essential definition.

    It is really critical for evolution from human space to realize that we are not the mind or the conclusions of our intellectual girations! And, hopefully look for what we are as a core self, beyond the elements of the being that is swayed like leaves in the wind. Otherwise, anyone can one day make a switch from good to evil, both energies are ever present in living entities by definition.