Comment to 'Naad Switch Operation'
  • Thank you for this invaluable advice! It definitely can bring efficiency and effectiveness to the inSelf Yoga meditation practice.

    Quote:"A yogi should operate the switch from naad to front viewing, and then from front viewing to naad, over and over until he gets insight into how it operates."

    Previously when it had been advised by RishiDeva and another one of our advanced yogi instructors (by association) switching to the front was initially part of a more advanced practice, that all others were eventually encouraged to do for further progress in inSelf Yoga meditation.

    So it is awesome that this particular lesson can allow great advancement regarding the connection between the coreself and naad. The previously taught practice will distract from observing the actual switch, as it hinges on focusing and observing beyond the switching impulse/operation and forward onto higher accessed subtle levels/manifestations, when the continuous activities of the intellect are not standing in the way, based on internal quietude/clarification from a solid kriya yoga session.

    Therefore, although both lessons mainly deal with naad, attention, and switching, they are two very different applications of the sense of attention on account of the objective that is sought after, but also the level of practice.

    So there is the focus of the driver, the car and its operation, and finally the destination. This lesson today isn't focused on the destination in terms of what lays ahead, in the observation of higher subtle manifestation (beyond the intellect), it is primarily concerned with a greater understanding of the operation itself.

    Thank you!!!