Comment to 'Tīrtha Series-2: Kalighat Temple '
  • Very intense experience in a special environment dealing with some strong energies, and rendered with advanced pertinent details.

    Where live forms are sacrificed such energies or forces are attracted and aggregated in order to form a centrifugal area that can attract specific deities or (demi) gods.

    Such practices are pervasive in African traditional religious belief systems. They take different forms as the populations migrated throughout the diaspora which anthropologically includes India.

    In the Americas, it is known as voodanism and prevalant in Cuban Yoruba practice (from African slaves). It is also called dark magic. There are different types, colors or hues of magic. In Europe it had become associated in past ages with practices that are now adapted as wiccanism (also derogatorily designated as witchcraft).

    The Ancient Americans have been studied and revealed to have practiced human sacrifice. One can only imagine why they would go to such length. The energy accumulated though dark is obviously compelling in its power.

    I didn't read the article in its entirety, but I concur that writing it and further sharing it can help alleviate it's weight on one's psyche. As a nonadvanced yogi, I'd automatically adjust my optical perception to the exposure in order to try to filter the intake into the psyche (consciousness), and ultimately gauge my limits in the course of the exposure. And proceed to a tactical protective withdrawal from the area as soon as warranted. Otherwise, consciousness is affected. It needs to be shielded accordingly.